
Ausgezeichnet!!!!! that Joe Scarborough narrating? Ugh...not ready to hear that blowhard.

She is UCC. I grew up in UCC churches out west and in midwest. It is among the most progressive of the main line protestant denominations. It was the first mainline protestant denom to ordain openly gay and lesbian clergy. It had called for marriage equality and advocated for the rights of LGBT parents to adopt.

Once he learned of her 69th birthday last month, Gronk was all in for Hillary.

Was really hoping that this was punctuated with the butt fumble.

Gridlock? The GOP will control all three branches of government and will likely do away with the filibuster.

That is not remotely what she did, either. She said that half were deplorable racist, sexist homophobic fucktards. But the other half were people who were worthy of empathy and kindness and deserved to be heard and feel like the government has let them down and that it was incumbent upon her supporters to reach out.

Packers owners at 22? Are you sure about that?

So....he was really good at pitching but couldn’t keep a job talking about pitching because of his dumb and offensive views....

Now playing

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” -Raylan Givens

A Minnesota v. Denver Super Bowl would be the death knell for the NFL.

OBJ through 4 games in 2015: 24/307/2

No thanks.

Pretty sure Reed wasn’t on that Super Bowl team.

One can be a malignant, self-serviing narcissist and a racist at the same time. That someone may have lobbied to integrate a club in Palm Beach doesn’t cancel out acts of racism in another setting. I find it strange that someone would suggest otherwise. History is likely littered with bigots and racists who at one


Oh, and Johnson isn’t a dick?