CH Shannon

Did anyone else think Lolly's NSA story was a fake out? Early on Alex said the best hitmen are ones that don't act like hitmen. Lolly faking being a crazy person in order to better hide her hitman status would be a surprise for Alex's story line.

The flashbacks also showed how brutally effective public shaming in a tight-knit community is.

Those lines also played off nicely from the MCC meeting last episode.

Yeah, seriously. If he is going to have an obvious bulge in his pants from the secret cargo, shouldn't he at least try to cover it up by putting on a jacket or something? Though I guess his saving grace is that if MCC is too busy cutting costs and figuring out who's not really Jewish, I don't think they would notice

I guess I'm the one weirdo that does care about Alex and her storyline this week. Yes, she's not as interesting as the other characters but this season the prison has been very touchy-feely and it's making Litchfield feel more like a summer camp for adults than, you know, a prison. One of the things that gripped me

Hmm, maybe she's just genuinely happy now that she has new teeth, something she had wanted for a while.

Yes, I'm expecting a test or something on Judaism soon (remember at the MCC meeting when they said they would take care of too many inmates getting the kosher meals?) and I bet Black Cindy will be the only one to pass it.

Honestly, I think this business will fizzle out sooner than that because the writers of this show will do a fake out on us. I think "Gerber" will get fired for something else and then that will be that. (Edit to add) It was be a way for the show to say that the prison system crushes dreams, even really silly ones, and

I was pleased to see Danny stand up for the prison and I was starting to think he was coming around.. until his pathetic talk with his father after the meeting. Then I thought Danny was pathetic, weak, and only got his job via nepotism.

Ah, I see. That makes more sense. While watching that I was probably still in shock from seeing him dance shirtless to "Hollaback Girl."

My favorite hidden gem of this episode was when they blindfolded the kid at the piñata with a pad. It was both a nod to the ingenuity of the inmates and the show's writers saying "Women have periods and they use products to deal with them. Stop sweeping this under the rug by almost never showing tampons and pads

There needs to be a shout out to that scene in the library where Taystee vs. exterminator have a hilarious back and forth about whether it was a bed bug or muffin crumb in that book. I was practically in tears when she put it in her mouth and then said, "I'm down to about 50/50."

I thought it was sincere during season 1. Remember she tried to convert Piper? I'm kind of not buying that Pennsatucky changed so much over the course of 6 months (time that has passed on the show, not for us).

So the flashback shows that Bennett did lose his leg while in the military? In season 1 he said that he lost his leg from an infection from a hot tub in Florida, or something. So did he not lose his leg in the war, lie about the infection, or was this a bit of retconning?

Is anyone else kind of not totally buying Pennsatucky's transformation? In season 1 - which was a couple of years ago for us but only 5 months ago in the show's universe - she was extremely volatile and would flip into a deadly rage when someone "disrespected" her. Now she's thoughtful, calm, and pensive. It's

I agree with your points on Larry, but the main reason I hated Larry is that he used the story of his relationship with prison-bound Piper to get him an interview on NPR and his story published in NYTimes' Modern Love. It strongly suggested that otherwise there was nothing about his life that was particularly

I guess she's thinking that it would be hard for her and her extended family to support the child once she gets out. She's a felon so it would be pretty much impossible for her to land a good paying job once she gets out. I saw it more as an opportunity to give the child a better life in general than a risk of Daya

Bennet leaves the crib by the side of the road BECAUSE SYMBOLISM!!!!!!11!1!!!1!1!!1one!!!!!!1!

My favorite part of the Big Boos talk about Freakonomics abortion theory was the part where Boo say, "And where did all the criminals go?" and Pennsatucky responds, "Uh, look around?" and points to their fellow inmates.