CH Shannon

Minor detail you have off there - Pete was sitting at Don's desk while Don was out and he pretended to be Don (in his mind) when the courier dropped off Adam's package for Don. The delivery guy didn't make a mistake; he delivered it to Don's office. Pete was extra sleazy and took the package to see what was inside of

Eh, I see trouble for Peggy down the road. Remember when Joan pointed out that Peggy had men working under her and Jim Hobart said something like "well, she's not going to be around here for that long."? Even if Peggy does great work, it sounds like the McCann bro dogs won't take her seriously.

Anyone else stoked to see Meredith kicking ass lately?

"Turn didn’t do enough in its premiere to earn ten episodes’ worth of attention, but “Hard Boiled” stoked enough curiosity to warrant a mid-season follow-up."

I liked this episode, but I hope the rest of the season isn't all about Don seeing the ghosts/visions of his former lovers. Rachel Katz was a great character early on in the series, but it made sense they both moved on with their lives and I felt the show was fine with leaving it at that. I didn't feel any value in

I'm rewatching the earlier episodes from season 7 right now, but did I miss the part about the California office closing? Did they mention that at all? Are Pete and Ted back in the NYC office full time again now?

I agree about Michael Kelly's performance. Wouldn't it have been a better payoff to watch him lie to Frank about killing Rachel? That yes, he was a loyal servant in every other way, but this was the one thing that he could not do.

Also Tom Hammerschmidt knows about this all. He mentioned that he didn't have a lot of proof for the accusations, but he knew Lucas wasn't a crazy person. He had also stated that he has proof that Rachel Ponser exists but he couldn't find her. It's possible that he could connect the dots on everything. I'm surprised

Why was this season so obsessed with people peeing? I feel like there's some deeper mining I missed here.

Dammit, I wish Doug let Rachel live. Yes, I'll admit that I liked her character, but there are other reasons: 1) Always leaves the possibility she might be the one to bring down the Underwood team in the end. 2) It would have been interesting to see Doug lie to Frank about taking care of her and then to watch how that

"I love females." <cringe>

Yes, everyone's talking about the nipple scene, but there were two other really big things in that scene that no one seems to be talking about:
1) When Ginsberg says he's "himself again" but has feeling for Peggy, Peggy replies with something along the lines of "Well, that happens a lot when you work with people but

Hmm, so since it wasn't an official meeting with an official client, there wasn't a script to follow. Hmm.
Also, the idea of a tobacco account seemed so backwards. But I'm not sure if that's 2014 me feeling that way or how we're supposed to feel about 1969 SC&P.

My favorite part of Mad Men is the pitches made to clients. SC&P is an advertising company, let's actually see some of those ads made for Sunkist, etc. This season hasn't had many of those (only the watch pitch at the season opener comes to mind). These recent episodes have sorely missed those segments, IMO.

Don busted into that meeting with potential clients and "went off script." I'm pretty sure that violated his return contract in all sorts of ways. My guess? Don gets fired early in the next episode, but then the tobacco reps say they want the account ONLY IF Don writes some sort of apology.