CH Shannon

No. I was just at a restaurant that he visited during his DDD show or whatever. He graffitis the wall with his face and then leaves a signed poster of himself. There's no way narcissistic garbage like that can be considered good.
Shane, though, is funny as hell.

I still cannot even begin to imagine how depressing a Trump-themed child's birthday party would be.

"Garden State"
I almost (and should have) walked out when Natalie Portman did that absolutely idiotic "whenever I am sad I do something completely original" speech. Zach Braff's cough-syrup-induced acting performance also was driving me nuts.

Ah yes, who can forget our classmates' speeches during the graduation ceremony about how important their lives are and that they are too amazing to ever do drugs? The humblebrag before we had a word for it.

I seriously though Ward would either die or become some sort of Hand zombie because he used their heroine. I'm not sure how things actually played out seemed true to his character, but it was nice to be surprised. His arc was the best part of the show.

also the line about "everyone except Carl was sent to hell"

I'm pretty sure the prison fighting ring Carl was forced into in this episode was a reference to fights the narrator in Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man" had to go through to get the scholarship to the all-black college. Did anyone else pick up on that?

I could be wrong, but I thought she was deleting Carl Lucas's files from the system so he could hide or start his new life under "Luke Cage."

Whoa, I already have 6 free tickets and 3 discount vouchers.

No mention of the scene in The Sickening's makeup room where Dev's co-actor reads the Brian's texts to Dev? That scene was so funny I was almost in tears by the end of it!

I also thought it was weird that Zack was the character Jesse crumbled into. Wouldn't Kelly or Slater be much better? Cracked had a pretty great article 2 years ago about Zack Morris being a sociopath.…

Yeah maybe Healy did it out of the goodness of his heart, or maybe he did it because he's interested in Red. <blech!>

That hole in the fence was right near O'Neill's "peeing rock". How could he have not noticed it before? O'Neill's one of the pre MCC guards, but he's still not that great.

There's more to your number 2 point than just Piper being terrible. Alex was also endangered when she was out. She was afraid Kubra was after her then too - that's why she had the gun. Technically, you could call this a tit-for-tat because Alex was the one that recruited Piper for the money laundering years ago and

Keep in mind, one of the COs busting her on it is Gerber. He's making money on this venture AND he would get in trouble if caught. If she rats out Piper to him, he's not going to report it.

Yes, it was very dark. Also her tattoo is definitely not white this time.

My guess is that they put that in so if they wanted to extend the show for extra season with Piper in it, they could pull that out of the hat and get her sentence extended for perjury.

The series has deviated a lot from the book. It will take stories and characters from the book and then twist them into other narratives. A HUGE difference in the book is that real-life Larry is a saint who came up to visit every weekend, had an establish career, and then lined up a job for Piper when she got out.

I remember that "unused space" line too, but I think they were referring to the max prison on the grounds. My guess is that MCC is going to look for ways to send more inmates to the max.

Two things about the finale that haven't been pointed out - Piper's infinity tattoo is definitely not in white ink this time. It looks like black or navy blue. Nice touch. The other thing that bugs me is how affective the Jolly Rancher shiv would be? It's friggin' candy - the tip would break off immediately.
My guess