
You recognise that the micro-evolution of human children developing (cow) milk lactose tolerance (and hence being more likely to survive) in what-is-now-Europe brought humans from hunter-gather mode to agrarian society - and then roads —> trading —> towns —> cities —> civilization —> technology such as medicine,

“I grew up not even putting milk on my cereal”

Yeah I hate this whole “be your actual self” thing. Screw that.

My dogs are the ones constantly getting made fun of at the park from the other dogs. I’ve been plastering their big faces on instagram for years.

if ur raped while using uber go to the goddamn police not customer service

To be fair, she’s been working since she was 10 and she’s wealthy. Taking time off for college and to consciously self-educate seems more laudable than always running after the next part.

Just asked my boss if I can take a month off for personal development. She rolled her eyes and kept walking. :(

Have you tried acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by chance? It is so effective for PMS