This implies he understands punctuation, which his Twitter posts suggest otherwise.
This implies he understands punctuation, which his Twitter posts suggest otherwise.
No. He’s a Republican.
But if they rebel, and actually do the job they were created for (keeping grossly unqualified louts out of office), then I’m fine with with the EC. Gah.
I still don’t use my real name. Don’t tell Facebook.
Seconding this. I have fibroids and UAE did nothing for them, but acupuncture and TCM have made it so I don’t need to take much more than a baby asprin or two for cramps, maybe once. For real.
THIS. I have a couple of fibroids and UAE didn’t really do much at all, except cost me a shit-ton out of pocket (thanks, Scott Walker). I decided to spend the money trying acupuncture and TCM, which honestly, has given me much better relief from symptoms. I still have the fibroids, but they aren’t getting any bigger…