I really hope this conversation is overflowing with sarcasm. Being text, it's a bit hard to tell.
I really hope this conversation is overflowing with sarcasm. Being text, it's a bit hard to tell.
Lovely. I might have to give this a whirl. I haven't gamed with my R4 since DScent and a couple adventure games with SCUMM VM.
I was a little worried they wouldn't use the lyrics for the "Duel of Fates" bit. They fudged it on a couple of short exclamations but not too shabby overall.
Oh yeah, I forgot about tripping. Ick.
I respectfully disagree. True skill in Smash Bros. comes from being adaptable; countering and avoiding damage is the same whether it comes from the other player or an item or a stage.
Lame on both accounts. Dodging, countering, and catching items adds depth to play.
I'm glad to see the Melee matchups weren't ALL on Final Destination. But has there EVER been a Smash Brothers tournament with items turned on?
Lol! The first thing that came to mind:
There's just one thing I'd like to know: How?
Rich Moyer assembled a team of 120 characters from games, comics, science fiction and fantasy, and challenged children to name each one.
Well, just in case you haven't followed the link I posted for that other guy: Here ya go!
Tis my pleasure. :)
You are quite welcome. ^_^
->Ta-daa! <- Just for you. d(^_^)
Ah man! I remember playing a game at a friends house but can't for the life of me remember what it was called. It was a fighting game on the SNES but it _wasn't_ "Primal Rage". It was done with sprite work, the fighters/dinos were accurate to their fossils (walked around and fought like dinos) and the background…
Luckily for you, that's one of the few I've uploaded!
Hey! That "terrible fan-made reboot" has released three more chapters since your linked review was posted. And I can assure you that they are full of homages, lore, and (occasionally maddening) KQ style puzzles.
Nope! Those are by Nici. These ponies are sold by ToyWiz and you can preorder them right now!