Oh the kids definitely know where it comes from lolol
Exactly! Of course, this mental template does have the unfortunate side effect of making the button locations seem completely bonkers... but that’s of a piece with how terrible the now-default controller setup is for those four buttons, specifically.
Jedi Outcast was even more impressive on the PC if you had a Logitech iFeel mouse. There was support for the mouse’s built-in rumble motor, which made the lightsaber combat feel incredible; the snap-hum as the blade ignited, pulses for impacts with stormtroopers, and sharp thumps during a duel. I still have the mouse,…
Lol, we’ve known Orisa/Hog was going to be dominant since 2-2-2 was confirmed, and Sigma(mainly) + the Rein boop buff balances that... This meta right now is a non issue once all the changes in the PTR come through to OWL.
Lego Faulty Towers would kill it!
Go for the grandmother of them all: I love Lucy in black and white set. Either the living room-kitchen set, double-beds bedroom, or the chocolate factory.
Lego What’s Happening Diner Set
How far will the Lego sitcom sets go?
This is a non issue. Hes an evil mad man and this costume does not represent the state of mental health in our world. All the characters in Overwatch are stereotypes. Except Winston and Hammond because im not sure how you stereotype a hamster and a gorilla.
I liked the Jedi Outcast and Academy games with dismemberment turned up all the way. It made combat a lot more tactical. Jedi academy is arguably the best game for saber combat ever made. shame nobody seems to want to remake them or make a new game with the same combat mechanics.
To be fair, I feel the same way about guns and bullets. I have to pretend that the screen getting redder, and redder are the near misses actually getting closer until I’m actually hit. Not that, you know, I can tank 43 gunshot wounds if I just wait a few seconds between shots.
If a player could one hit kill most things, the game would be too easy. But I think if a game was built around the idea of a powerful lightsaber, it could work.
So what do you think they should do?
Giving mods tools to effectively mass penalize people who participate in floods would be something useful Twitch could do without affecting the legitimate usage of these emotes.
And of course, research has shown that “just a joke!” isn’t actually a thing:
Implement a feature that allows a streamer to ban anyone from their channel that used a particular emote (from the list of emotes that are frequently used in a racist manner) within the past 1-5 minutes. The first time a user gets banned from a channel via this moderation feature, they receive a warning. The next time…
You could make an account at https://howlongtobeat.com/ ,sync your library(s), then start with the shortest games on your list. Maybe break up short games with sessions on long games.