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iPod touch. Can't stand commuting without it, and its probably the best (most useful) piece of gadget I've ever owned besides my laptop.

@Audrey June: Sorry to hear! Don't worry, the best is yet to come. Grad school sounds exciting—good luck in whatever you decide!

Ugh, finally finished a mini project that I thought would take maybe a solid day to do, but ended up taking the whole weekend. Now it's 3am and I'll feel guilty for going to bed because I haven't worked on anything else this weekend.

What a giant scumbag. I'm a nice person in general, so there are very few that I absolutely despise with every ounce of my being. Rush is one of them. (And so are his buddies Glenn and Bill.)

What Jack Bauer cooks with.

I always get teary eyed watching proposal videos. I'm lame.

@Wapi: Wow, your university sounds really tame. That would never fly at mine, there are always signs/posters saying that there have recently been theft problems so keep an eye on your belongings, blah blah.

SSDs sound great, but I really hope that Apple won't try to make it thinner and thinner. Personally, I like the current dimensions of the Macbooks. The Air is too scary thin for me, as an everyday laptop.

All problems solved.

@prettybetty: Do see it! It was an amazing drama.

@lollilove: OMG YES, hearted. I agree on all levels. Everything about The Social Network was just superb, even if, like you said, it didn't have the highbrow artistic merit of Black Swan or the innovative concept of Inception.

@buggie10: I see what you're saying, but we have to consider the gender specificity in roles. And, at the end of the day, it means more awards for more recognition, so yay for that!

Really happy for Chris Colfer! Truly amazing achievement for an actor his age. Wish that clip above showed when they announced it too, his jaw dropping and everything, all the people around him getting up to congratulate him and all. I wish I saw it live, I had to Youtube it.

Looks like a new sport for taxi drivers. One point for each cyclist you pass over, two points for larger ones, five for motorcyclists.

@Make.Sense: Here in North America (or at least in Canada) it's actually illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk if the wheels are over a certain size (ie. children are exempt). Because many of our roads lack dedicated cycling lanes, there are a number of cyclists on the roads, particularly in core urban areas. …

That Heidi Klum impression just crossed from the "bad and not funny" territory and into "embarrassingly sad" land.

@haus_frau: I'm waiting for it. Who first??

This skit. It's so terrible.