c to

@equusjfr: I think it might be because they are used in HTML.

@bellaluna0511: Word! Her rendition of "Forget You" on Glee was flat on all levels, I have no idea why it was so popular.

@lollilove: He is! He's quite awkward in interviews, but hilarious nonetheless. It's adorable.

Jesse Zuckerberg hosting? Can't wait!

@faintingviolet: Damn right they are, Anderson. Damn right. And those silver locks, too.

Omg Anderson!! *squee*

@jPizza56: Do you know what happened to that? Any updates on if we are actually gonna do it?

In Canada there was talk about scrapping the penny and just going with the nickel as the lowest coin denomination. Seriously, hardly anyone bothers to use them and they're hella annoying.

@SydneyHighBoots(ZippyTheLangoustine): Dividers and front/back organization sound easy to manage, too! I think for me personally, it might not work as I tend to organize mine according to type, so for example I like to have all my cardigans together so I can see them all at once when I pick out what to wear. But

@SAS: Ah, stickers! Much easier and logical than what I said, haha!

This discussion about wardrobe excess/editing reminds me of something I read on Lifehacker which I thought was quite clever.

@CassandraSays: I agree, unless the result is to actually pare down your wardrobe, this is just all talk and no walk.

Beautiful! The beginning reminds me of the House opening sequence a little bit.

@Bubbsdaddy: Hah! Exactly, is one letter really the item of concern here? Not the fact that Greenland's iced horizon is shrinking?

So we're melting the horizon now. That's scary. Guys, we suck.

@Zan: They were probably all just typing at the same time.

48% of young Americans said they find out about news through Facebook.

@blub: Is it really fast? Or are WE living in slo mo...?

It's like a mini-universe!