c to

That would make the movie feel like it’s stuck in quicksand, and we all know how Anakin feels about sand.

Stop. You lost whatever argument you are trying to make but are just being stubborn. The human driver in the right lane, who not only had a clearer view of the cars ahead but was also closer to the problem and had a car veer in front of it before the accident happened, still hit their breaks well after (when talking

You mean the car that was several carlengths ahead and with an unobstructed view of the left lane traffic was able to react to the impending collision at virtually the same time as the Tesla did?

It’s not really what you implied, the Tesla saw the accident indicators well before a human would have IN THE SAME POSITION and it didn’t apply the brakes because it didn’t have to as it was maintaining a good distance, it was only once the distance closed sufficiently that it’s stopping distance required it to brake.

Me too!

Think You Know Basic Physics? These Commenters Will Prove You Wrong


It has nothing to do with the air in the car. The phenomenon you describe is caused by the fact that you, and everything in the car, are moving at the same speed. The exact same thing would happen in a vacuum.

OMG why not the important things...

So when you say "Scientists boil water in less than a trillionth of a second" and put a picture of a pot of water what you really mean is "Hey readers, Fuck you"

Oh good, Gizmodo is trying to be BuzzFeed now.

I prefer Silver Age Aunt-Man

I guess you can say that this is incr-"edible"...har har

I completely agree. I have my desktop for when I want to be productive, and it wireless streams to my tv with a wireless hdmi transmitter, so I can use it for movies and such. When I open a game-console, I'd usually just have the setting for it to bypass the OS and boot the game automatically.

I sometimes wonder if the three work together.



I actually am now currently leaning hard towards getting a Wii U over the other two. I only plan on getting one. My gaming PC pretty much handles to bulk of my gaming needs and I feel like PS4 and XBOne don't really offer experiences that are much different than the ones you can find on PC.

@Captain_Tripps: Are you from the time of the ancient Romans, or ancient Greece? Yeah, you're not. Clothing from the 1980's was tacky as hell, but it was en mode so people wore it. Stop being so goddamn ignorant.