c to

Uh, creepy. The most you'll hear out of my cellphone convos are random lunch and dinner plans, schoolwork question from friends, various reminders from mom and nothing remotely important or interesting, but still, creepy.

@Julomez: It's Jezebel's free-board of sorts [] All the Gawker sites have their own version. (Gawker - crosstalk, Gizmodo - whitenoise, io9 - observation desk, etc)

@Shancan: Ha! That is awesome.

@ill_wind: It was under your nail a little? OH GOD that sensation must have been the stuff of nightmares. :(

@SUNNY1: Yea, I've always thought JGL and Heath looked way too similar—the resemblance is definitely uncanny!

@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: I've never thought that highly of him (didn't particular like or dislike) before I saw Inception, and oh my he is amazing in the role. I went to see it again this weekend and I must say that he is way up there as one of my favourite young actors.

@ill_wind: Yea, sounds like it's probably the rotting garbage, gross. Hope you won't find anymore, ever! I think I'm slowly growing out of my phobia of spiders, but maggots...I just can't. Along with centipedes, gah!!

@VirginiaDentata: I'm a huge sucker for these types of ads, too. This and the granddaughter are my faves also, along with the original one set to Louis Armstrong. Gets me every time.

@mrs.gideon: I like everything about the picture. The guy, his expression and the outfit. Love, love, love.

@ill_wind: Oh dear, eww! Check every corner of your house for dead animals/rotting food. A few years ago, at the previous house I lived in, a bird somehow got into the chimney and its corpse rotted in the out-of-use fireplace in the basement. We had a giant counter placed in front of the fireplace and that room has…

@mrs.gideon: Looks familiar! Is this a Gap ad?

@EponaWearsBoots: Sounds like the perfect way to spend a summer weekend! :)

Now playing

I just love this ad. Oh Apple, you and your great advertising.

@salthegeek: Ohh season 1 was phenomenal. NPH <3

@bookling: I miss having Discovery Channel. :(

Bring me my slippers!

Of all the creepy robots to come out of Japan, this is probably takes the crown for being the creepiest.