c to

@buckleyneko1: I agree, and I have a similar interpretation about the message of the film. Even though we were trained by the film to actively discern between reality and dream all along, suddenly it doesn't really matter all that much at the end. Whether the top falls or not, Cobb has been reunited with his kids,

IMO, the point of the film is less about figuring out what is real and what isn't, but that it doesn't really matter and either (reality or dream) can be as real as we allow them to be.

@SaraRueful: Ha, very true! We possibly can't have a week without any news about our favourite couple, now can we?

I smize whenever I have my picture taken.

It's less about having a clean car, and more to do with being able to casually say, "Oh the car? Yeah, I just got it cleaned. Was only $11k, no biggie."

@MARl0: Heh, and Nintendo will always be the console lite. I do think the Wii is fun though!

@Josh: Oh I see. That's not bad, I remember when games came out at like $80 sometimes.

@kathartik: How much are they else where? I haven't gamed in several years, but I thought $70 is pretty standard for video games. (I live in Canada too.)

Wow, with all the Clinton news the past week, I totally forgot about Levi and Bristol.

So does this count as fauxhemian, or hobo "chic"? Either way, he looks like he needs to shower and shave.

This just means we'll get instant uploads of videos of crazy and creepy people on the subways. Yay?

@MonkeyPants: Oh man, the loud 8 am-ers are terrible!! Seriously, its Monday, its early, no one has had their coffee yet, STFU!

I hate crowds and I hate people that walk slow. Time is of the essence!

Kanye is so cool, I wish I was him!

It's cool to think that the next step down the line would probably be some kind of augmented reality. Real-time stats and data as you zoom in and track the play with your iPhone 8.

Even the inside is pretty.

Seriously awesome. Well played, Panasonic!

This is great - I especially love the bathroom idea!