
I personally do not want a Nate redemption arc. But no doubt that is where this season is heading with hints of vulnerability and disappointments. They have certainly, especially last season, established he is a bit of a sociopath. or at least skirting towards a narcissistic personality disorder. Is there empathy to

Because there’s a subset of the population that’s completely fine with being slack-jawed, popcorn-chomping dipshits looking to “take people down a peg or two.” Tabloid shit.

I’m just baffled how anyone could say anything unkind about this living legend.  I really think it comes down to some people just feel so threatened by someone so talented and successful, gasp, happy, that they need to tear down.  

When someone who has power over you at your workplace propositions you for sex, they have enormous ability to punish you for saying no or continue harassment afterwards.

It is orders of magnitude more dangerous and damaging than internet commentators - and those aren’t harmless, either.

Orlando Bloom started out very pretty but he lacks charisma, and has only an average level of acting talent. Once the prettiness faded, post Lord of the Rings, what he didn’t have became a lot more apparent.

‘High fantasy nonsense’ is the entire basis of Star Wars though. It’s a farmboy finding out he’s the chosen one and being given a magic sword by his wise mentor to fight a dark villain.

Yes, they’ve started to move away from it somewhat with things like Andor but the majority of the time you’re not going to escape it

No matter what happens, this show deserves to be acknowledged for knowing when to bow out before completely exhausting its concept

Elon is the Idiocracy version of a Bond villain.

And there are still dudebros lining up on twitter to praise Elon. What the fuck is wrong with people?

So he’s at this level now...

This is the kind of thing where you see it in a movie or TV show and roll your eyes because they’re going so over the top to paint the bad guy as evil because they think the audience is too stupid to pick up on it. And yet... here we are.

I fear for LeVar Burton in this political climate. He champions two things that are right-wing targets: Reading and rainbows.

What’s funny is that Monolith Soft the developers of Baten Kaitos, Xenoblade, and more, are arguably better than ever.

The thing actually in decline was... drum roll please... G4.

As someone who was an adult in 2006 I can assure you that saying stuff like this was gross back then too.

Why would you remake Road House. It’s a rare example of the “perfect” movie in the sense that Road House is 100% the exact movie the makers of Road House wanted to make. It’s also, imho, the perfect example of making a movie so “bad” it’s good on purpose. No one writing, directing or acting in Road House thought

Did you intend for that to make sense?

Every single “gun rights advocate” already knows that they are full of shit. They know they are spewing lies for profit. The same with every rightwing gun nut. They know its all bullshit. They just dont care. Classrooms full of dead kids mean nothing to these micropenis fuckwads. Sure, Jon Stewart destroyed him or

No one on the right actually believes in free speech. They only believe in freedom from consequences for themselves and those with likeminded opinions. The idea that they have any kind of moral or logical high ground on this issue is laughable. As is the idea that anyone—be it a university, a traditional media outlet,

All the reports I’m seeing from actual trans people is those harassers were, as one person put it, “internet shit stirrers who want to paint the trans communities outrage over JK Rowling as some kind of crusade against everyone”. Most of the trans people I’ve seen comment on others playing/streaming has been along
