
The third movie was basically “Beverly Hills Cop: Pluto Nash”, so this MUST be better.

Axel strikes me as a character who has so much fun on the job that he would do it until he body literally couldn’t do it anymore.

Just like America right now.

This is a series that could easily go meta like the second Human Centipede. Someone has watched all the Saw movies and wants to be the next Jigsaw. It’s derivative as hell, but it’s an easy way to continue the series without having to get around the death of John Kramer.

The Giggle was an absolute blast. My favorite part was the Gatwa pulling DT in for a comforting embrace. Everything about it felt, warm and loving and EARNED.

Yes, a Doctor meetup can happen at any time, but it’s frowned upon because... timey-wimey (ahem plot) reasons. So I doubt they’ll bring DT back all that much.

White Christmas will always be my favorite Christmas movie, but modern films like Klaus, The Grinch and Jingle Jangle are now in our rotation.

Pentatonix is a lot of fluff, but there are loads more awful Christmas songs that should be on this list before it.

That was my first thought. There have to be few people around now that haven’t heard of a show that has been on for 60 years and has fans all over the world. It’s like being unaware of Star Trek or James Bond.

Sounds like Ayer thinks he farts smell like bakery fresh cinnamon roles.

Gotta love that good old country star humility.

I Still Know That I Am Legend

It’s the Borg. It’s always the Borg.

There are thousand of students AND parents out there working multiple jobs, saving for years, getting loans and sacrificing time and energy to pay for college. WITHOUT BREAKING THE LAW.

Now playing

Let’s not forget a more recent favorite.

I came here to say this.

We all know that this will be a colossal trainwreck. That’s the reason why it will have high streaming numbers. Not for the competition itself, which couldn’t ever live up to the original series. It will be like watching a documentary about the Fyre Festival. 

Timothy Dalton. Enough said.

You can compare it to comic books. No one REALLY dies in the comic. There’s always a reason to bring someone back, with a fantasy/scifi explanation ready. Doctor Who is only enjoying those same tropes to keep it’s story going.

Will she overtake Bill Gates putting microchips in vaccines?