
I have an alternate suggestion: just watch Clue 20 times and enjoy the ride.

I haven’t been affected by a celebrity death this much for a long time. We watched the season of SYTYCD where tWtich was a competitor and he was my favorite then and still one of my favorite dancers now. Not just an amazing dancer but such a bright light everywhere he went.

Matt Lucas has felt like the only host who doesn’t connect well with the bakers. Mel, Sue, Noel and Sandi all have had some empathy and comfort with the bakers. Lucas can be funny but he feels very much like an outsider.

Same for our household and it’s not for my son. While he watched some Sesame Street, any watching of SS is for the adults in the house.

Was it $240 dollars of poop in the bucket?

Not knowing anything about the development of the third season, I’m most interested in how the world of the mulefa is handled, because they are so integral to the third book. The entire idea of the mulefa and they way their bodies are designed is fascinating.

I would love for That 90s Show to include a picture of Masterson in court as what happens to Hyde. Then Red can see it on TV and say “I always knew he was a giant dumbass”.

JK Rowling doesn’t just “have opinions”. She’s weaponizing social media against and entire group of marginalized people.

I can vouch for Klaus and Jingle Jangle becoming part of the yearly rotation. I always demand we watch White Christmas while my wife demands Love, Actually.

Tim Allen sounds like he’s angling to be in a Kirk Cameron movie.

I’m sure that according Candace and Danica, Christian girls and women don’t need to learn math except for measuring ingredients in the kitchen.

Keeping “traditional Christian marriage” on this channel means a lot of divorce, adultery and hidden sexual assault.

In looking at conversations about Conroy’s passing and the various voices of Batman, it seems similar to conversations about who people view as their “Doctor” (from Doctor Who). That defining person in the role. Even with all of the actors that have played Batman live and with voices, I will always have Conroy as “my

Trump, Lindell, Musk. The books about how to ruin successful(ish) businesses write themselves.

Or maybe it’s possible to recognize quality in more than one thing? Or maybe have enjoyment in something that isn’t the height of artistic snobbery?

Elon Musk might be taking the “Biggest Vindictive Snowflake in the World” position away from Donald Trump.

I remember watching reruns of the original British version on Comedy Central. So many amazing performers, but one that stood out to me was Tony Slattery.

Regardless of the legality, this will be bad for: 1) those that are staying because there will be the fear of more layoffs plus tyrannical leadership; 2) Twitter because few people will want to work under Musk considering he will fill anyone for any reason; 3) Anyone who invested in Musk’s takeover, because they will

Never understood the draw of the original, let alone playing it for 24 hours straight. Christmas time, whether you are a believer or not, should be about being together with others and being happy. I know that’s a bit maudlin but I don’t care.

While Musk has rapidly devolved into a right-wing, conspiracy-spewing hack, he probably doesn’t want to completely destroy his investment by letting Twitter become a cesspool. The only money coming in is from advertisers, and they don’t want Twitter to look like the Stormfront message boards.