
This show will always be TV comfort food for me. My parents had on the reruns, but as an adult, I understand a lot more of the drama and emotion. My favorite of the non-main cast characters was Sidney Freedman. The empathy and subtle humor he brought in was so welcome.

Now that Pikmin 4, Bayonetta 3 and BotW 2 are coming our way in the next year, the internet watchers will be back to worrying about Metroid Prime 4.

Imagine if Michael Richards had a cameo in the upcoming movie, connecting everything together.

I think people know by now. Not from The Crown, but other sources. The whole Prince Andrew/Epstein thing... 

Thora Birch? Or is that too on the nose for Pinocchio?

Feels more Harry Styles than Ezra Miller, since Tim hasn’t done anything seriously unhinged and allegedly illegal.

Rob Schneider has become the South Park parody of him.

This situation is starting to feel Cosby-esque. Cosby once had a bit about gambling where he said (paraphrasing) “Never say ‘worse’”, because it will always get worse.

The greatest “Weird” Al parody would be for him to parody... himself.

Now that’s quite true.

Head of the Class was one of my favorite shows of the 80s. Schneider’s Dennis character was obnoxious and sometimes creepy. Seems that came from real life and maintained into Schneider’s work at Nickelodeon. 

It’s true that the school is show only in the first part of the movie, but the characters feel like a direct extension of the school, even if they go off campus the rest of the day.

What about the high school from Dazed and Confused?

Considering the lawsuits related to the election, we could be seeing Lindell in a similar situation in the future.

The discussion was David Trainer on the podcast was very enlightening. He didn’t mince words when it came to Michael Jacobs, and the trio of actors have be honest about Michael too. They aren’t shying away from how cringe some of the jokes were (particularly on the homophobic side). This isn’t just a rose-colored

The last two weeks have been rough. 

So, essentially an Uncharted clone, but with a female lead.

I don’t think anyone wants Shatner’s power.

In addition to the Borg Queen, I remember Alice Krige from the Children of Dune mini-series as Lady Jessica. I thought she did an admirable job, but not quite as good as Saskia Reeves.