
Many memes pass into obscurity, but Florida Man is forever.

The original is excellent both in story (top tier Dr. Suess), music (not just the main toon, but the incidental music and the Who’s song), and animation.

Who knew at the time that Dolores Umbridge was JK Rowling’s valiant attempt to write herself into the narrative.

A shooty dog thing?

Please, Jebus, let it not be the Daleks. Again.

What would you expect in an era where we have “fake news” and every piece of information is contradicted vociferously in a very un-scientific way. People think if you scream loud enough against evidence, you invalidate it.

I remember an episode with the line “No one takes this road to Sheboygan”, thinking that the name “Sheboygan” was incredibly silly and couldn’t be a real place.

Now I live close to it.

Is Donald Trump too old to get a Speak & Spell for Christmas?

It can be really hard to spell properly when you are tweeting while trying to drop a big deuce.

But women, minorities and the LGBTQ communities could be in danger base on Pence’s previous attitudes and statements.I personally think that is scarier than someone with an itchy trigger finger on the nukes. Pence can use Congress like it is supposed to be used to get legislation passed.

But you know that there were thousands of dudes doing that on election night. Probably all the people in Charlottesville holding tiki torches.

I remember a prank like this pulled on Scott Walker a few months into his first term. Look what damage that did him. Zero.

I hate that Feingold couldn't come back and unseat the walking toolshed Ron Johnson.

I've always wondered why Canadian geese are hunted in many areas, because they are obnoxiously plentiful. Apparently some places do send hunted geese to food banks, but other places don't have them tested for toxins. Seems like a read food source to me.

I wonder what he is pouring into the water supply in SE Wisconsin to stay as popular as he is.

That headline is unpossible!

I'm sure one of these songs will be Alex Jones' new theme song.

Not everything needs a reboot, TV executives. But if you are going to go for 90s fluff action shows, bring back Brisco County Jr.

But at least that episode had Harry Shearer and Dan Castellaneta.

I think the guy in the costume was well liked.