
So ready.

Speaking as a chemist, that researcher deserved what he got. A misplaced decimal potentially destroys the world? Pudding brains indeed.

Scream as much as you like little man, the box office returns will only grow.

I normally like Ghirardelli chocolate, but I'm kind of over the bourbon phase. I didn't like the bourbon caramel Ghirardelli at all.

My brother lead the way with Star Wars fandom in our house, so I was playing with the actions figures before I had even seen the movies. I'm sure it was watching them on a Sunday afternoon. I think the first time seeing it in it's entirely, I wondered why the film didn't cut to commercials.

I wonder if the beating of journalists will be added to the game now.

Dane DeHaan really looks like Selma Blair's younger brother. Or twin. I'm half expecting Ron Perlman's HellBoy to show up and demand Baby Ruths.

I think all fundamentalist Christians could suddenly disappear in the rapture that they are craving, and no one would give a flying crap.

Urkel was a fun gimmick for awhile, but you could tell he was wearing when they tried to adjust him with the Stefan alter ego.

I hope it's not too heavy with the family melodrama.

If Chris Pratt can buff himself up, so can Nathan Fillion. But yeah, he's a bit too old now.

I would have seriously considered voting for him, as I appreciate the voice he has in Congress, but for the Democratic party to really ignite younger voters, there needs to be a younger, vibrant, outspoken candidate. Emphasis on the younger. When people like Franken, Warren, Biden, etc. are talking about running, my

Agreed. I do understand the criticism of taking the story away from June, and from the novel itself, but understanding the necessity of world-building leads to knowing more about Luke and his survival. I would even include last weeks episode focusing on Serena Joy. Not truly necessary to the plot, or to June's

Just ice and plot.

Let's hope that this domino, while teetering, falls completely and keeps the rest of the line falling. I didn't think that every white male at Fox would be a sexual predator. Some are obviously just loony.

I learned how to use chopsticks from one of the books from the show, way back in the mid-80s. I'm old enough to remember thinking: "The guy from Reading Rainbow is on Star Trek!"

If there is a hint of Warwick Davis there, it's an Ewok.

It takes a lot of effort to make people wish for the Hoff in his prime, and Pamela Anderson's bouncing, silicon boobs.

That's what Hollywood does these days: taking childhood and young adult memories, putting them in the Fargo wood chipper, and then painting them on a canvas.

It's a decent show. My wife enjoys it more than I do, but it was worth seeing a few years ago. My only complaint was that once the pyrotechnics got started, it was hot as hell in that arena.