Yep. I would like to see the news media give these little shows precisely the attention they deserve; it would look something like this:
Yep. I would like to see the news media give these little shows precisely the attention they deserve; it would look something like this:
Counterpoint: putting on makeup makes me feel magical and beautiful and the process is soothing. Especially since I suffer from depression, and sometimes putting on a bold brow or power lip is the difference between me sitting at home crying versus going out and facing the world. Sorry zadie. Love your work, but don’t…
Dying to know more about the business casual circus & whether I’m too old for a ticket!
When Miss Eaves dropped her body-pos summer jam “Thunder Thighs,” something beyond its encouraging message caught…
This echoes some of what others have said, but there can be some serious misogyny involved when a straight, cis guy cheats, especially when it is done in the ways Joss apparently did it. And I say all of this as someone who has both been cheated on and been the other woman (something that I consider to be the worst…
“There is a difference between loving white people and loving whiteness.”
History suggests that you’re correct, but the future of our species likely depends upon us finding a way to govern impossibly large societies in as equitable a fashion as possible, without relying upon violent revolutions. Beyond the ethical considerations of treating armed conflict as a necessary way of life, it’s…
Someone in one of the other threads articulated it better than I will, but my issue with her is that she is occasionally rude and obtuse but because she doesn’t raise her voice or talk over her guests its supposed to be okay because she is just asking questions.
Agreed. I find her interview style to be disrespectful at times.
Yeah I feel like she borderline bullies a lot of her subjects or crosses into territory where the other person is clearly uncomfortable, interjects her own opinions too often. I remember an interview she did with Dan Savage and his husband and asked about their adoption process. They adopted from a Seattle homeless…
I do have a pet peeve with Gross. She sometimes tries to provoke emotional answers, even when it would be kinder to back off. She interviewed the author Edward St. Aubyn about his autobiographical novel “Never Mind,” and wanted to discuss a scene where the main character, a small child, is raped by his father. I found…
I know I am in the minority but I don’t care for Terry Gross that much. I am struggling to articulate why, so maybe I don’t have a good reason.
It’s odd to me that Dr. Nerdlove over at Kotaku, a video game website, gives more empathetic, reasonable, healthy relationship advice than Jezebel, and he manages to do it with a far less condescending tone.
The outrage following Lil Duval’s appearance on The Breakfast Club—where he stated he’d kill a woman if he found out…
All I saw was a 20 something with a man twices her age, which I could’t look past throughout the trailer. Hollywood agism/sexism is still alive and well
A+ on the comfortable and practical footwear.
Snapchat filters freak me out. This is how I know I’m old.
Here’s the way I look at it: trans women are not responsible for cis people’s prejudices. Trans women shouldn’t have to carry the load for cis people’s aversion. Given that outing oneself to someone always carries risk, and that risk is always to the trans person, insisting that trans people out themselves to cis…
You can call her an idiot without misgendering her, come on. Don’t be a bigot, just call her the privileged dumbfuck that she is.