Was that ever actually a thing?
Was that ever actually a thing?
Super super cool how they acquired a bunch of (seemingly) stable and successful developers and now are gonna lay off a bunch of people and shut down those same studios because they got greedy and bought more than they could afford.
so this big studio bought a bunch of popular smaller studios then went bankrupt and has to close them all down now.. Talk about a bad business plan. And their goal is to now micro transaction people to death to make up that 2 billion.
In fairness, the Democrats have a long history of fumbling gimmes like this.
Phyllis Schlafly also had nannies, but that detail never made it into her speeches.
“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”
‘human chain wallet’ destroyed me. I’m dead now. Thank you for that.
I immediately Googled Mr. Archambault, and, as I expected, the dude looks like the washed up frontman for a mid-00s nü-metal band. The man is a human chain wallet; he is the embodiment of the metaphysical essence of frosted tips.
“The gay community are pedophiles” is a shit opinion. You can share it, and we can rightly call you a shit person for it.
Is he under arrest? Is he being kicked out of the country? No? Then I don’t see how his 1A rights are being infringed. He can say whatever he wants. He’s not free of the PUBLIC, (not governmental; that’s key here), response to that opinion.
Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.
Said it before and I’ll say it again: conservative upbringing is authoritarian, and religious conservative upbringing is ten times so. Because “education” to these people means “being told what to think”, they assume it’s the same for everyone. They can’t picture education as the nurturing of critical thinking because…
The thing that none of these people understand is that kids that go to college aren’t being strapped in to chairs and forced to read the communist manifesto and radical feminist theory. They’re just meeting other people. Some rich, some poor. Some black, some brown, some white. Some gay, some straight, some something…
Said the fucking hypocrite that went to Columbia for a her Bachelors in Art History. Fuck her.
“Please clap”
Considering Final Fantasy Tactics and Game of Thrones were both based on the same war, and XVI seems closer in design to FFT than anything in a while, it’s not that surprising or weird.
I did not hear an apology in there anywhere, unless I missed it
On top of that, and I’ll refrain from exact spoilers: weapons can be repaired completely (and then some) if a certain enemy is provided the weapon.
“Jayson was drinking beer and cleaning his gun when being served.”
I understand that people don’t like National Anthem because it makes them uncomfortable but that’s exactly the point. That’s why it is such an amazing episode. I’ve never watched something that made me think, “They’re not going to do this” to “Are they really going to do this?” to “Holy Shit! They’re doing this!” I…