Wow. So this is what it feels like be proud of your congressman.
Wow. So this is what it feels like be proud of your congressman.
Just came to say the obvious about that scene from Schindler’s List: I’ve seen it probably a few dozen times since first seeing it in history class. Every single time I have to hold back tears. Even just watching the clip just now as a mid-30’s, jaded adult, cleared up my dry eyes.
Isn’t it owned by Chinese company though? Not exactly a great track record on worker rights.
And we still never found the Albinauric woman…
Ah, I wasn’t aware it was Mike Z behind the voice. Still, it was a kick-starter goal, so maybe shell out a few bucks for a VA?
That’s the other weird thing. They covered up a panty shot of one character, but her design overall is still very sexualized and they didn’t even change her animations which have plenty of panty flashing (except they changed the color from white to black). The game overall is still very sexy. I guess it mostly comes…
If I’m not mistaken, the original team and artists are long gone and it’s a new team and publisher. So I doubt these changes were made with the original artists blessings. I’d be curious to know their thoughts, though the changes are so small, I doubt they’d care.
I just mentioned it above, but this game sold itself as a sexy fighter with some minor lewd fan service. Don’t fans have a right to be upset that what they thought they were getting when they bought the game is being changed? It feels like we’re thumbing our nose because the changes people are focusing on are panty…
That’s kind of what annoys me about this. i haven’t played it many years, but it was always billed as sort of an ecchi fighting game if I recall. It was a key part of the kickstarter campaign. So taking out the pervy stuff (even if it’s minor changes) does seem like a bit of betrayal in that regard. It’s like if…
They also took out a kick starter-backed goal (the Russian announcer) and a lot of content from the official art book has been altered, but the big thing that absolutely should have been left in was Big Band, a black character, getting beaten to a pulp by crooked cops. It’s vital to his story arc and erasing it is…
I find IX to be vastly superior to VIII. It has so much heart.
Sure, but there’s no universe where Lightning Returns is a top 8 FF game.
Mario RPG and SO2 are the standouts for me. They both look gorgeous.
I hear you, but you can’t ignore how beloved FF Tactics and it’s more mature story. This game has clear Matsuno influences.
Yeah, I’d certainly appreciate if they went back to a more light-hearted, adventurous style like many of the Sakaguchi era games; at least every once in a while. I’m still crossing my fingers for the rumored FF9 remake.
Lol what happened to GaMe oF ThRoNeS iNsPiRaTiOn BaD!!!
I put my faith in Naoki Yoshida. The man worships Yasumi Matsuno and his favorite game from his childhood is Tactics Ogre. You can see the influence in FF14 Reborn, which is the best thing FF has done since at least FF12. I fully expect this game to have a similar vibe
Wow, a lot of edgy takes in these comments. Square Enix isn’t turning their flagship franchise into a torture and softcore porn sim, Jesus Christ people. Yoshida is obviously referencing the political maneuvering and house rivalry stuff in GoT. It sounds like he wants an FF Tactics-esque story. I get that people…