Hey, stay strong.
Hey, stay strong.
Oy oy. Sorry to hear about the rough patch—just please keep in mind that your voice is valued around here (I’d miss it, for certain). Do what you must to look after yourself, and rest if you need to—but don’t forget we’re pulling for you, too.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. For myself, I know how the political can get entangled with the personal, especially when the personal isn’t going well. Back in 2016 Bernie helped me feel some hope for the future and at the time I thought, “If he becomes president, maybe in the cosmic sense, my suffering…
Before they can take steps to either arrest, file contempt charges in or court etc...., they have to go through the steps. Which starts with subpoenas.
“The letter from lawmakers concluded: “We deeply regret that President Trump has put us—and the nation—in this position, but his actions have left us with no choice but to issue this subpoena.”
‘Do Nothing Democrats’. Do they fucking sit around eating pizza after work coming up with these lame ass nicknames?
If you like Supoeana Coladas
If it was Jesus it would just turn into a modern version of Dostoevsky’s “Grand Inquisitor” from The Brothers Karamazov where they immediately have him killed for getting in the way of their plans. Because these people don’t give a fuck about Jesus’ teachings and would have even less use for the real one telling them…
What a fun week!
1. Ben Franklin, for reasons previously stated.
Barry Goldwater
George Carlin. Three times, because the realization Donald Trump is president would kill him again the first two.
Hunter Thompson isn’t a bad one, though. I’d add in Vonnegut and Mark Twain to round out the “old angry anti-establishment establishment white literary figures” panel.
In his statement, however, Volker casts himself as a voice of reason in the chaotic negotiations
Talk to the hand cuz the face is a senile sack of crap.
Probably smells like a combination of Bryl Cream, Hawaiian Tropic dark suntan oil, and Ivanka’s cooter.
Not surprised by this. Thanks to sites like Act Blue, regular folks like me can slide Elizabeth or Bernie or Cory or Julian $10 to $50 whenever they have some extra dough, or are pissed off, or if there’s a deadline coming up. I’ve done this persistently since some of the candidates declared. But even if I liked him,…
This, in all likelihood. “Y’all Qaeda” will basically become a thing, and we’ll end up rooting it out.
It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...