
Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.

I can’t believe this pussy-grabbin’ pussy tried to sneak tough in there, when all he fucking does the live-long day is whine about what big meanies the media is.

A narcissist cannot cope with constant challenges to their internally perceived superiority. It’s going to continually become worse. The most effective witness we’ve had since this whistle blower report became known is Trump himself. He just can’t stop telling us how “right” he was, and digging that hole.

He’s freaking out. Is it because he feels walls closing in on him? Maybe. Is it because his authority and ability to do whatever the fuck he wants is being questioned? More likely.

I can only imagine how high his blood pressure and cholesterol levels are right now. Based on the fact that the man’s diet consist of KFC, McDonald’s and as of late pure fucking rage, I’m actually just a little surprised that he hasn’t stroked out yet, but then again Dick Cheney is still alive and we exist in an


And the worst part is you just know that smug fuck is going to have a field day going off on Bernie’s heart episode and bragging how he’s the healthiest person ever.

I didn’t think it would happen this soon but he’s starting to unravel! He was very angry at a news conference this morning and a really dark orange!

Cue Trump’s tweets about his own perfect, healthy heart which many people say is the equivalent of a eighteen year-old’s. In fact, nine out of ten doctors say he’s the most perfect physical specimen they’ve ever seen.

Same thing happened to my mom last year at the same age. She’s doing well, suffered no damage, but she’s too fucking old to be the President. 

that reminds me, where is that caravan I was assured was going to rape and kill every trump supporter’s family by the end of 2018. fuckers are taking a while to get here.

“Don’t forget, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, they’re avowed socialists..”

Okay, so who didn’t Trump call to ask for help in discrediting Mueller? I’m thinking that’s a much smaller list, and therefore easier to remember.

Worst “Dumb and Dumber” reboot ever. 

“Kirstjen, you didn’t hear me the first time, honey,” Trump reportedly said. “Shoot ’em down. Sweetheart, just shoot ’em out of the sky, O.K.?”

White House aides apparently looked into a cost estimate for a trench alongside the border wall filled with snakes or alligators”

It premiered when I was a senior in high school, I think, and I remember thinking it was kind of funny at the time.

Then came the episode where Peter trips and barks his shin on the concrete, and spends a full minute or more rocking back and forth, clutching his shin, making “Ahhhh. AAAAAAH” noises, and I realized Seth

Eh. As long as he’s not holding Rick and Morty up as a genius paean to the misunderstood value of nihilism that only true intellectuals can fully appreciate, I’m down. I kinda dig the show myself, but I’ve never felt the need to storm a McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce, nor do I think I’m particularly erudite for

One (Lord) Humongous star for you.