“giant artificial moon”
Let’s call it what it is: Death Star
“giant artificial moon”
Let’s call it what it is: Death Star
I hope this slow approach on impeachment is just a tactic Democrats are using to keep Trump constantly stressed. They would’t need to impeach if he stroked out in a fit of rage. Just badger him into an early retirement (or grave).
It’s pretty rich that worlds smallest biggest bully is trying to accuse someone else as a bully. Trump can’t go a single minute without putting someone else down.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Be safe and drink responsibly. It’s tempting to get plastered to temporarily forget the BS. But still, be careful.
Republicans are great at projection. They need to vent all their inner issues to alleviate their frustration.
Guajardo said the FBI told police it would not further investigate the incident because the photo did not pose a specific threat.
I decided to order the Gears 4 Elite Controller on a whim. It is hands down the best controller I have ever used. It’s a big reason I buy my games on Xbox One X. I pretty much got the X because of the the Elite Controller.
There are third party controllers that mimic the Elite Controller on PS4. Just a quick search bro…
Okay, I sorta understand why you don’t include titles on some posts. But this post is so unnecessary that it doesn’t even deserve to exist.
It would be so damn gratifying to see Trump arrested when he leaves office. It’s also a little terrifying to think that, should Trump be reelected, he might not face criminal charges for another 4 years. This whole “we can’t indict a sitting president” law needs to be dropped. It’s made our democracy an absolute joke.
Two of my friends have had drift problems. So I’m happy Nintendo is finally addressing the quality of their Joy Cons.
Speaking of quality: Can we now get the new d-pad for our Joy Cons? Because the 4 button layout sucks. That d-pad is the only selling point for me on the Switch Lite.
The system is working how it was meant too. Detaining people for weeks without outside contact as a way to deter POC from entering the country. They’re even willing to target “American Citizens” to send out the message. It’s not about illegal immigration. It’s about race, and it always has been.
I wish I could believe…
Let’s be real here, he never stops watching TV. It’s the only thing he does besides golf and hold rallies.
I’m just frustrated to the point that I basically have no hope. I want to be optimistic. But I really doubt that republican voters can be swayed. Especially if Faux News continues to somehow spin the upcoming testimony as “exoneration”.
Is anyone truly surprised? This administration has proven that the president can obstruct justice by appointing a book licking AG. It’s actually a little depressing that I miss Jeff Sessions. I mean, fuck both Barr and Sessions. But I’m starting to think he was the lesser evil. At least he made Keebler cookies more…
I have been sober for months since I have a alcohol problem. That being said, I too will get fucked up. Probably take a day off work too.
It was “no longer appropriate”. Mother wasn’t there to chaperone.
It doesn’t happen often. But I like it when developers focus on a few platforms for a port rather than rush it. Outer Wilds is similar, though it doesn’t have a Switch port.
I returned to Wolfenstein II a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised the adjustments they had made to the gameplay since launch. I hope Youngblood carries on from there. I would be really disappointed if it feels as punishing as The New Colossus was. And not punishing in a good way.
Is it just me or does Miller look older? Maybe he can’t hide his true age since he isn’t painting his scalp with shoe polish.
It’s only 92° in Salt Lake City, Utah. So I don’t see what the big deal is. Our lakes are the greatest they’ve been. Huge beautiful lakes that are so wet. Wow! Climate Change is a hoax! End the Witch Hunt!