chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

Tillerson, like his master, is clearly a creature of no moral compass beyond “deals.” The notion that our lead diplomat is cheerfully making a case for embracing strongmen and dictators, that our policies shouldn’t be dictated by our values, is, well, frankly nauseating, if unsurprising coming from an oil magnate who

The Picayune Funeral Home? Seriously?

Let the NY Times tell you about Hawaii, Mr Jefferson Davis Beauregard Stonewall Sessions:

Ah, the old “justice is a pie, there’s only so much to go around” argument.

You are delightfully cavalier about the deaths of people who aren’t you. One in seven billion, right? Who’s even going to notice?

Well, the thing about North Korea is that it’s such a closed society that nobody really knows, outside of the kind of tabloid scare stories you relate.

No one will miss these men when they are gone. They have nothing of value to add to humanity.

Good call! Extrajudicial executions FTW!

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

We stand proudly bloodthirsty in the company of the last countries that just love killing their citizens: China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. Go team!

My indictment certainly has exceptions for people struggling with medical or psychological issues. I doubt that’s a huge bite out of the 93 million eligible voters who just didn’t bother to show up.

The system is the system, though, no? You don’t like it, I don’t like it, but on whom does responsibility lie for it? It’s our system. We hold all the keys to change or modify it, but we don’t. Are you not as complicit as I am in that? Both parties game it. One has done a much better job. Is that their fault? Or are

If this is the hill he’s choosing to die on, we’ll make sure he dies on this hill.

Well, then 19% was enough to win. You can cite that number as though it means something, but people who didn’t bother to show up for the most consequential election in my lifetime don’t really deserve a place to complain. If apathy is the new black, well, that’s on us all, as a nation.

This is what he said he was going to do.

Suicide, if that’s what it was, knows no boundaries of religion, political orientation, success, money, power, love, nothing. Those left behind are always left with an incredulous “Why?” and there is never an answer. Because it never makes any goddamn sense.

I’m not sure what that is, a fancy department store?

She has fans from all corners of the music world:

Like Collicchio started the rumor that he liked to cook to sound more chefly.

I believe the Divine Kate is afraid of flying, no? At least that’s a rumor I’ve heard many times as being part of the reason she’s almost never toured, and then only very close to home. So Coachella rejecting her is kinda like me rejecting Tom Collicchio coming to my house to cook me dinner.