chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

While national guard units can and have been federalized, the Kent State shootings were conducted by purely homegrown Ohio National Guard units, under the direction of Governor Jim Rhodes.

NBC is identifying the shooter as Dr. Henry Bello, apparently someone who was recently fired. Terrible, terrible.

Also, what’s Nicolle Wallace most famous for: “I didn’t vote, Steve. I didn’t vote (breaks down in tears)” about McCain/Palin.

I like Nicole Wallace. She and Steve Schmidt have long been the kind of sensible republican voices that are valuable to listen to, disagreements notwithstanding.

This is literally the opposite of the truth. Americans got conned by a lifelong con man. New Yorkers, who know him best, knew it very well, and went for his opponent in his own home county by 90-10, historic margins.

I’m all for having different voices, and I think it would be stupid to try to turn MSNBC into a lefty version of Fox’s vapid echo chamber, but this was just a baaaaaaad fit.

For the life of me, I have no idea why the bigs at MSNBC thought their audience would take to a transplanted Fox News talking head. That and their silly diddling with renewing Lawrence O’Donnell’s contract makes me wonder if they have any clue who their audience is.

“Perry revealed in an interview with “The Kyle and Jackie O Show” on Wednesday that Bloom had initially asked her to join him in the public display...”

The medical community in the U.S. is fairly neutral on circumcision. Basically, their position is to leave it up to the parents.

“We’re gonna catch you! We’re gonna catch you!”

It’s not far removed from Civil War-era “medicine.”

When the missus was a med student one of her first rotations involved her being given the job of amputating an unfortunate diabetic gentleman’s big toe with what sounded like a bolt cutter.

At long last, something on which we can all agree.

RIP Satire: passed away of astonishment on June 22, 2017, survived by descendants Irony and Parody, currently on life support.

You need to face this fear and stare it down. It’s the only path towards healing. Post it, for your own peace of mind, and then be free.

(I will not be posting it.)

This information is irrelevant, for she died drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.

Keith has a way with words. I remember one day when R.A. Dickey was floating his knuckler very effectively he blurted out “Oh man, Mr. Dickey’s balls are just DANCING today!”

God, that is hilarious. In my family it would be my mom doing that exact same thing.

This is where Trump’s complete lack of understanding of history and context and intellectual dullardry are going to bite him in the ass: it’s never the crime that brings down politicians, it’s always the cover-up.