chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

Wow. I had been blissfully unaware of this sad little man until now.

That’s really bizarre and sad. I can’t fathom why anyone would be on a lifelong crusade to make “Litigious Nuisance Man-Baby” their epitaph.

I wonder what could have gone so very wrong in your life that you end up like this guy.

She is the loneliest Trump. In the future, playwrights will write things about her struggle. This cursed house might at least produce some interesting drama.

I read the novel, I didn’t remember that, but it makes sense. The novel was fun, but full of soapy side-stories (Hooper & mrs. police chief) that the movie sensibly eliminated.

It’s a good thing that this will certainly not reinforce the impression of them as out-0f-touch trust-fund babies who play at their toy jobs with daddy’s money.

Great white sharks are fantastically beautiful animals, though of course I don’t want one within a hundred miles of me if I’m in the water without a cage.

I have many ambivalent feelings about Comey, but it’s surely to his credit that, when pressed, in person, by the president of the United States to declare his personal loyalty, he twice demurred and promised only honesty.

Fascists swear allegiance to a man. Here in this country, our highest elected officials swear only to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

And even if they’re not. But that’s a good summation of this wonderful show.

This was a great read, Aimée. Your mom really is a great lady with some wild stories. Thanks to her and you both for letting us hear and enjoy them! <3

Oh, that’s silly. EVERY network gave Trump huge airtime, and it had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign, and everything to do with the fact that the guy was a loose cannon that everyone was expecting to explode/implode at any second.

It’s interesting the the first one was a sort of hounted house movie and the second one is clearly action movie, and both fronted by the same woman.

Now playing

By the end of the day, I would hear this sentiment—that the war was not about slavery to start, and therefore should not be remembered as such—repeated by multiple men in camouflage and bandanas and self-identifications ranging from anti-white genocide activists to patriots.

I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for your friend, and for everyone I know who has a story like that from personal experience, or a friend or a colleague, which is just about everyone I know. Why aren’t we more ashamed, as a country?

Citation required.

War-loving America joined last

People do die. Lots of people. People also lose their life savings. Some decades ago I had a neighbor who moved to Honolulu to start a dream job who had a heart attack within the first six weeks he was there, before his job-related insurance covered him. Two weeks in the ICU ran the bill into the hundreds of thousands

I have no doubt whatsoever that they’d have called for her head on a platter.

This is entirely the mindset of the people involved, and it’s a betrayal of what idealists have preferred to think of as American values since the middle of the 20th century, at least.