
Yeah, I agree. My issue with that game was that I saw on the loading screens of ME2 for my entire playthru that “your decisions in this game may have dire ramifications in ME3!”

*chef kiss*

It really is. Anytime I get upset about the ending of something I compare it to that. It’s the gold standard of shitty endings (Brown standard?).

OMG, yes. We’ve already veered into trainwreck-meme territory. This would be hilarious. 

At this point, my money is on the final shot being an old Samwell Tarley closing the book he’s writing and then standing up and walking away with his archmaester chain. 

It’s not as bad at BG in that it doesn’t directly and literally retcon half the series in a nonsensical way, but it does completely screw the pooch. I’d put it at about 1.5 Losts just due to the length of the seasons and the 18 month holdover. Seriously, I waited almost 2 years for this crap?

“...Jason Schreier, who wrote back in 2012 that the actual reason the scene made so many players cry was the way Aeris’ theme softly began to play as she fell.”

My uncle works at Nintendo and says that’s exclusive to the Switch version. 

Letme preface this with the admission that I’m white as anything, and while I do my best to be open minded and treat everyone with respect regardless of their race, sexual orientation, faith, etc, I also admit that sometimes I don’t see things with the same lense or same life experience (which frankly, is bull. Good

I know the gameplay is very different and that has a lot of people up in arms, but that trailer FEELS like FFVII. Like, the voices sound right, the characters look right, the environment looked right, there were so easily identifiable enemies (Aps!). I’m excited. 

Oh don’t be ridiculous, that will never happen.

And now I’m sad about that all over again. 

Jesse was one of my first gaming crushes early in that game. Was gutted when you lose her so soon. So this is delicious icing on the cake of awesome that is this trailer.

Ha, I believe it. I stopped playing it quite some time ago, before the 2nd jump in endgame weapons among other things (I know they added something after Ancient Legendaries), so another giant spike certainly sounds believable. 

I picked it up way back when it first came out and it didn’t grab me as much as I expected it to (I generally love turn base strat games like Fire Emblem, FF Tactics, etc). Ended up putting it down a dozen or so hours in because I got something else — IIRC I think I got a few games for xmas, and never went back to it.

While I readily admit I liked Diablo 3 far less than it’s predecessor, part of the reason I kept playing it was the absolutely hilariously batshit ridiculous damage numbers you can put out. Critical hitting something for literally 40 billion damage is just absurdly funny to the part of me that never outgrew Dragon

lol my reaction too. “Oh, this looks cool. Huh, I could seem myself playing this, might have to pick it u-- nevermind”

Pure speculation theorycrafting: Newer version of the chipset is a bit smaller and the lack of the dock/upscaling means it runs cool enough to lose the fan.

Aside from not being, well, round enough, Carrey seemed to really capture the version of Robotnik from the old cartoons. Aside from the godawful Sonic, I was far less disgusted than I expected to be. If they make Sonic look like Sonic, this may not be terrible.

Agreed. And serialized movies were VERY much a thing in the early years of “cinema”, and the MCU (and their actual comic source material) take some cues from that.