And now I’m sad about that all over again
And now I’m sad about that all over again
I’d be on board for MNF, Weekend at Howie’s style.
Was coming to the comments to post this myself. Was the most effective way of bringing them down since the primative gyroscopes they used would immediately send them careening into the ground once they flipped over, meaning it was easier to keep them from crashing into civilian areas than shooting them down.
Oh yeah, that’s totally true. They’d spin the crap out of that drama. Heartbreak, new love, cheating, they could bring back the most popular one for a redemption arc when ratings declined 6 years in, etc. But considering the Kardashian empire’s basically founded off of a friggin amateur porn tape there’s ZERO way they…
About 5 minutes into the 2nd quarter I said to myself “welp, whoever has the ball last is gonna win this game.”
Yeah, they’re a supremely underrated broadcast. I’m always happy to see them instad of Nantzyboy.
I’m ashamed to say that fell into the abyss of “Oh man that looks cool I gotta remember to get it” *293 games come out* “Oh crap, I forgot about Wasteland 2.” I need to pick it up one of these days.
Not an excuse or justification at all for him being such a horrible person outside the squared circle, but given how much more we know about CTE and chronic head injuries and what they do to people over long term in 2018 than we did back then, makes me wonder if all those dives contributed to that.
I don’t think they’ll be destroyed. We know Adam Warlock was intro’d, but the future of Marvel Cosmic is up in the air with the Gunn/GotG3 issue. Seems to me Thor and Warlock would make a great start point for the MCU version of Infinity Watch.
I’m kind of expecting the end credit stinger for Captain Marvel to BE the full on preview trailer for Endgame, like how they did that with Captain America for the first Avengers. Would keep her in the spotlight right until it’s time for Endgame itself.
That’s a good point, I did indeed totally forget about Wasteland last night. Which means I guess games... games never change? :D
Yep, apparently the offbranding of all my favorites series onto spiritual sequels while the “real” thing dies with a whimper is now an official trend.
I think I actually might want to make friends with someone capable of pet necromancy
I can overlook a lot of the rule of cool stuff (jumps the car would’t survive, etc) but when the driver and the person riding shotgun have a full on conversation and the driver keeps looking at the other person is my biggest peeve. Pay the attention to the damn road!
Pretty much every episode of the A-Team too, though at least they usually didn’t randomly explode on that show.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, Bethesda. Really?
I appreciate this counterpoint, genuinely hadn’t considered that. I’ll give a company points for trying to do the right thing even if it’s handled awkwardly.
Haha, well one only gets on the bottom of your shoe, and the other’s got potential to get up to your sock.