
I'm actually part of the target for this move. I'm an iPhone user and I like watches, but Apple's watch just isn't for me. The Moto360 is actually decent looking and doesn't try to do too much. This price drop, combined with upcoming iOS support may push me over the edge and lead to a sale today. On the other

I'm actually part of the target for this move. I'm an iPhone user and I like watches, but Apple's watch just isn't

Unbuckled people in your car present an additional hazard to others in an accident. I also suspect those same people would also expect to be covered by the insurance of every involved driver even though they’ve intentionally increased their personal risk. Finally, people are allowed to decide on their own car rules,

No! Doug isn’t allowed promotions, otherwise he’ll be promoted to the point he’s not actually writing anymore. They can give him more money, though, as long as he promises to keep making dodgy car buying choices.

Yep. Every single “...and we were just fine!” story has a huge survivor bias to it since dead people never get to tell the other side. Just because something works out okay doesn’t mean it wasn’t a bad idea.

Achievement unlocked: superiority established in an internet forum! Feel free to look down your nose at people for your personal excellence in arbitrarily chosen skill. You should get the "I can parallel park better than Doug Demuro" T-shirt to let everyone who doesn't visit Jalopnik know how super you are.

If you're expecting sensors to deliver certain information and they don't because they have failed, it doesn't mean you can't park. It means that the tool you were using is broken.

TG didn't get me into cars, but it certainly rekindled a love that 20 years of adulthood had put to rest. In every segment, the central theme was always the simple joy of driving. Everything else derived from that. It certainly awoke my dormant car-loving soul. Shortly after discovering TG I arrived at the site of one

Do BBC rights to Top Gear really extend to Top Gear Live?

Is there any indication that this is getting traction beyond TADA and whatever politicians they're subsidizing? My Texas family is about as conservative as they come and this whole franchise thing bothers them just on principle. My dad, who uses the phrase tree-hugger as an insult nonstop and has never considered a

Owning the best house means everyone else drags down your property value. It means you've overspent for the neighborhood and and sunk money that you'll only see again if there's a gentrification sea change.

I do not like most of the street circuits they've run on. In most caess they just don't have the flow of a good purpose-built track.

So it's not just here? You're telling me that every DMV is staffed with women who have ridiculously long fake fingernails? What is that about?

Sauber has learned a lesson about the folly in guaranteeing a seat to pay drivers (or any drivers, for that matter). I expect this season VDG will learn a lesson about how much fans hate pay drivers. And next season he will be learning a lesson about teams in a buyers' market not hiring litigious jerks.

If they fire Clarkson then scores of people will lose their jobs along with him. The show, if it didn't die immediately, would quickly shrink to a much smaller affair that couldn't justify their budgets and staffing levels.

Top Gear's budget is in that neighborhood. I'm pretty sure it's the most expensive show that the BBC produces, but it is so widely distributed that it's easy to justify the cost.

Was the punchee a BBC producer or just an employee of Top Gear Produtions(or whatever Andy Wilman's company is called)? If it's the latter, I'm not sure why the BBC would weigh in at all. If it's the former, then the individual should press charges or make him apologize or whatever and then be done with it.

CarPlay and Android Auto are essentially abstracted rules to sit on top of a transport layer. It's possible that both specs could be broadened to included features that older equipment can't support, but there's not reason to think that either platform is going to abandon basic backwards compatible conformation to

But cars are all about bundling features that you want with many you won't use . My Flex radio has satellite radio, AM, and CD support. Who uses any of those things? But the cost of adding them for the small number of people who do isn't hundreds of dollars. At most it is a few dollars of licensing and integration

You have figured out how to have your cake and eat it, haven't you? You get all the fun of d-baggery - your incoming JDM car, your ultra-patriotic bro truck - but you get the cover of your narrative. "No, I'm not a douchenozzle, I'm just writing about the experience of what it's like to be one." Well done. This is

Buy what you want. Just because somebody else bought the same thing doesn't mean you're on the same team.