The biggest problem with the emails is that not many staff can read Cyrillic as of yet
The biggest problem with the emails is that not many staff can read Cyrillic as of yet
I see Marchionne is in merger talks with Harley-Davidson.
Meh, I’d argue that there is more evidence that we’re fucked by people who feel the need to insult others who just happen to be enjoying themselves
Nothing. Hes talking about nothing and this means nothing. Hes speaking to his base specifically so they can eat it up. Stuff like this makes him seem presidential to them but he really isn’t. This is like your shitty boss saying “ we’re going to start a committee to review your lunch breaks so you can get what you…
Must be a Honda disguised as a Mustang as it was able to crash but not hit any pedestrians.
That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.
from northern ireland kris meeke, and when he win he a british born racing driver if he loses he from northern ireland.
He does love Fig Newtons
Do you think he might not have crashed if those window stickers weren’t in the way?
Jesus the interior of that thing is a rolling dissertation. I’ve seen books with smaller wordcount.
So that explains the blinker problem with BMWs, they are just low on the fluid not idiots.
You know how some people get bent out of shape over people who don’t park perfectly centered? I get that level of pissed off when I see people doing this at the fuel station.
But on the bright side - if the cops try and push you off the road, the resulting explosion will help hide the dead bodies in the back…
FYI - looks pretty but sorting by color is not very helpful. Best sort by shape. You can then easily see the color you want in the shape you need. Hard to find the shape you need within a pile of different shaped pieces that are all the same color.
How dare you bring Ivanka into this.
Looks like I’ve got a smile on my face. Only one of us is miserable, pal. Remember that when you moan about the next video I make. Peace 😁
She seems unbearable.
Turns out, there’s a clever engineer working at Suzuki that owns a 96 Cappuccino with a blown engine.