
Where are they standing?

It actually comes stock as "already bent from hitting the driveway" and with an exposed intercooler!

I love old '90s-'00s American concepts, because they manage an almost sickly balance of crazy, radical design and horrible plastic. In a world where concepts are supposed to be as wild as possible, even the one-off moldings in GM's old concepts manage to look like parts-bin parts.

That's how I feel about my car too, and it's a Veloster. Being green and quirky-looking, a lot of people tend to read it like it's much pricier than an Elantra that's missing a door. It's gotten much, much better now, since Velosters are much more common than when I first got it, but I still can't park in cities

I haven't driven a Ferrari for comparison, but I have driven a Maserati GranTurismo. In Atlantic City. On a rainy day. (With the top down.)

It crashed so hard, the wheels bent into different wheels!

Is it me, or is there something weird going on with that front end?

This is why I don't trust truck people. The trucksier, the worse.

"Turbo wheels, carbon fiber windshield, cold air exhaust... It pretty much sounds like a Lambo now, bro. "

Wasn't the flumpy-face generation notoriously unreliable?

The new ones don't sound like much, unfortunately. Unless they're optioned out.

I photograph these tours for my day job! I've done plenty of car dealers, but I'll have to hit you guys up when I do something really cool.

Ironically, I'd say it's the best these awful headlights ever looked.

Think of how much that must have improved the insurance ordeal!

There's no video or anything, but my proudest Captain Falcon moment was recent. I was playing online as Pikachu against a rather good Captain Falcon player. I didn't win every game, but I did win this particular game...with both of my stock. Victorious screaming.

It looks more like he's doing something with the girl next to him. Just because a kid is on a cellphone doesn't mean they're texting about "occupy" and the marijuana.

It does make sense to retain any fun they still have, though. If they lifted those rules and let everyone do what they want, then it would only take one person switching to an electric drivetrain to make everyone do it. And then F1 would sound like an alien space ship.

Mine has taken on more wear in the time since the demo was released to now than it did from when my system was bought (last Thanksgiving) and up until then. It's taken on more wear than my non-XL 3DS did the entire time I had it! I've been treading lightly, but it's gummy and sticky now, on an otherwise-pristine

Ultra slippery leather, less leg room than a Honda Accord, 13mpg, ugly as hell.

I actually really noticed the music in Mario Kart 8, and I think it's fantastic. I love how it dynamically changes parts depending on where you are in the courses, and really adds to the game's excitement.