Good to know!
Good to know!
"You say you like the rear third of the Huracan, eh? No no, I got you."
Don't they still offer that in some of their cars?
That actually means they're misaligned, or just too damn bright. My 2012 Veloster has modern lights, too, and I've never been flashed at for them being too bright.
I want the shit out of a kei sports car. My favorite is the Autozam AZ-1 because goddamn gullwing doors. But I'd settle for a Beat.
This actually almost happened to my uncle, too. The cop was very, /very/ kind and downgraded the ticket so he'd only need to take a defensive driving course. But it's an intimidating prospect. I'll never go to Virginia, either.
A Porsche dealer I've worked with had a Conti GT on the lot once for just $70k. (They've probably had them more than once, but y'know what I mean.) My contact told me it was a trade that went in for a Turbo S, and recounted that for people who sell Bentleys to buy Porsches, the real value is in having the extra garage…… It's on Kinja! Is there a process to submit to Oppo or anything like that? It's my first write-up like that, so I'd love to hear what you think.
Drain the lake.
No, the men drive them 90+ in the rain and as close to the next bumper as possible.
Case in point: The chairman of my dad's company is all kinds of millionaire, and is a very well-declared fan of Hyundai. He loves that they look pretty decent now, they perform alright, and have all sorts of nice gadgets for an older guy like him. His only vice is Range Rovers, which he buys in pairs, but he also…
I'd say they probably are the majority; controversial stories are just much more popular. On one hand, I'd say that probably does raise accountability across the board, which isn't exactly bad.
I contest that there is something wrong with that. All that pollution, and not even for a good reason! That and they're usually nasty-dangerous to other drivers, pedestrians, bikes, motorcycles, and anything else that's nearby. Combine that with the sort of person who would actually drive one of these, and disaster…
Well, only a few short years later, Mazda is offering adaptive cruise control in its compact car. In other words: the technology isn't cool anymore. Now it's mainstream. Everyone has it. It's everywhere. It's common. Once you can get it in a normal car, luxury car buyers can never brag about it anymore. "Did you hear…
That's actually pretty sweet.
"Here, I'll turn on the PlayStation stuff for ya," he said bringing up the g-meter, boost gauge, brake-force indicator, and other delightful readouts I should have absolutely no use for in a Tennessee neighborhood.
I hope you're ready for me to ask you most of those questions, arbitrarily, when you move to Philly.