
How about the Autozam AZ-1? It was only sold in Japan, but look at it!

Mazda's little 2 drives beautifully, and a cut-down version of the upcoming new Demio could be totally rad. It'd be like a Mini Coupe that I wouldn't feel like a shithead for owning.

I concur. It doesn't work for everything, but it's worth it when it does. Also, it's super easy to find where you parked. And if you park outside, your friends don't have to guess which house is yours. And it will always be a landmark for social gatherings. "Yeah, it's by the movie theater. Look for Chris's green car."

Also, it has a face that only a mother could love. If she was blind.

Tough to say! I was maybe sixteen or seventeen when cars started to be super interesting to me. It's the exotics that got me first, and which continue to keep me in many regards. And Jalopnik didn't just give me some extra stuff to read about them; it gave me an appreciation for many other types of cars. My favorite

Totally digging the cheeky headline here, by the way.

That's basically Hellcat money. You know what to do.

Well played.

It has more than a clutch. It has two clutches!

I dunno. I know cinemagraphs are often characterized by one thing moving flawlessly and without a visible loop point, but this would benefit much more from the whole thing animating without a visible loop point.

What I find impressive is how well they've maintained the same exact shade of red over the years. Provided none of these cars have been repainted, anyway.

If guys in big diesels (which, really, are actually pretty efficient engines) can modify their trucks to emit huge black clouds of soot, there's no reason why Prius or other electric or hybrid car drivers can't modify their cars to emit huge clouds of something else.

Also, trying to put something resembling a sporting front end on an RV just looks ugly.

And way more dignified than driving a chubby Mini.

I wonder how much the body panels alone weigh.

It looks like a bat making a D: face.

Are we certain this isn't one of those things that's gonna show up in a "Fake Chinesse headlines this week" Cracked article soon?

What if none of those things are useful information if the games are good anyway? My only platforms are Wii U, 3DS, and PC. Guess which one of those they've sold the most of.

I find the Yoshi bike scary.

This is a design concept that we call "worse."