
I married her because she's got an amazing butt. And she's willing to pretend to laugh at my jokes.

From what my wife told me, Channing Tatum and the show put out the feelers. He wasn't told she actually agreed to do the show until 3 minutes before he went on.

My wife watches it. Schedules it on the DVR and watches it all the time.
Though she thinks Jar Jar is one of the best parts of Star Wars, so there's no accounting for her tastes.

The movie pissed me off. After ignoring the kids' concerns for so long, and haven seen they were right, Mr. Poe didn't even apologize for doubting them or for having let them go through it. The rest of the movie was beautiful and well done.

I was too emotionally invested in the poor giant that got his eyeball eaten out. Sounds horrible.

Because Abrams' retread of Khan was ham fisted. And there aren't as many beats that star trek has that star wars does. Pretty much "set phasers to stun" and "live long and prosper". But no one really cares about those. "I've got a bad feeling about this" is a line that everyone looks for in every star wars movie.

I saw it Sunday night. The theater was full, with just like 12 seats empty in the front row. I loved it.

And I didn't hear anyone screaming out "LFG Wailing Caverns!" Just took me right out of the story. And there were no Chuck Norris jokes at ALL. I mean, if you're going to do a Warcraft movie, get it ALL.

And I didn't see any Night Elves or Undead. If it's just humans and Orcs, I'm going to feel ripped off.

I don't need your Civil war. it feeds the rich while it buries the poor.

First Death Star destroys Alderaan as its first operation. Is destroyed in its first battle. Second Death Star is destroyed during construction. Starkiller base destroyed after its first operation.
If they were 20 years old and finally defeated after multiple costly attacks, that would be one thing. But these are

Kylo Ren wasn't freezing people. it was the normal telekinesis that Anakin used to lift the pear out Padme's fork. It was just a more powerful grip. Like when I grab a beer bottle.

Anakin did bring balance to the Force. Before Anakin, there were thousands of Jedi, and 2 sith. After Anakin, there were 2 Jedi, and 2 Sith. See? Balance.

Superweapons don't tend to do too well in this universe. I don't know why they keep insisting on them.

And after hearing Jesse Eisenberg's laugh and "The red capes are coming", I kind of want to.

I just read the lyrics in about 45 seconds. it's a coy, flirtatious song. It's basically what my wife does to me when I'm about to go to work. I hug her and she says "Don't you want to call in today and spend the day in bed with me?" We go back and forth like that for a while, then I end up picking up the phone.

Because real alien ships are too expensive to rent just for a movie. Game of Thrones doesn't use real dragons for that same reason.

He's in the cast list of this one. But I guess he's dead, since the captured alien did use him as a puppet.

"Hey, you know that guy that slaughtered people by the thousands, enslaved the wookies, and could choke you with his mind? Turns out, he's not such a bad guy. He is my dad, and he saved my life."

I think contempt is very close to disgust, honestly. That's probably why that one excised.