
If they ever do a remake of Star Wars, would you like the Battle of Yavin to be followed by a scene of Luke laying in a corner in the fetal position, sobbing "I killed them! I'm a murderer! I'm a … MONSTER!", rather than the iconic throne room scene? Will we get something like that from Tarkin or the other Imperials

Can you, off the top of your head, name the CEO of a medical/weapons/technology firm? Bruce Wayne is a local celebrity.

"The long term contract I had to sign says I'll be doing these movies till the end of time, with Yoda. Y O D A Yoda."

It's pretty easy to see the order. Kylo tortures Poe. Finn shoots up the hanger, escapes, lands on Jakku, meets Rey. First order comes looking for them, attacks Rey's camp. The Falcon defends the camp, takes in Finn and Rey. They join up and fight on the forest planet.

"My days of not taking you seriously have certainly come to a middle."

Part 2 of Silence in the Library was called Forest of the Dead. Hope this helps!

Again, war. Against an enemy that used the destruction of an entire planet and billions of deaths as an interrogation tactic.
And everyone aboard the Death Star and the star destroyers are members of the Imperial navy. They knew what they were getting into when they joined. You think the rebel alliance should sneak

It's war. People die in war. The people that are bothered by the deaths on the Death Star seem to dismiss the millions (billions) on Alderaan.

The first movie to get the PG-13 rating was Red Dawn.

If you're referring to "many Bothans died to bring us the information", that was Mon Mothma, in Return of the Jedi, talking about getting the plans for the second Death Star. There wasn't much about the spies that got the first one, just that Leia was bringing the plans to Alderaan, when they were attacked by Vader's

I tried to watch Constantine. It was a painful one episode. I deleted the rest, and haven't looked back.

TTGo. There is the occasional funny joke, but I wish they actually did superhero stuff.

I won't let my kids watch Gods and Monsters. It's a little too dark and edgy for them. I wish they would watch some JL or JLU, but they find it boring. They watch Teen Titans, and that's just awful.

I have memories of them going back in time and helping out in WWII. Are those real?

The other day on Imgur, someone posted the storyboards of the opening of BTAS. I could hear the theme as I was scrolling through. It was beautiful.

That shot of the TIEs approaching with the red sunlight behind them is just beautiful.

She was shot in the back of the head at the end of the second movie. Unless the future has found a cure for major brain injury, I doubt it.

I hope it's better than the first one was. Glad I downloaded it, and didn't spend good money on it.

The people of Naboo consider purity of heart to be more important than competence or ability to do the job. Hence, Senator Binks.

I don't mind analyzing the trailer for plot points and speculation on living and dead characters. But to say it needs to be redone with a whole new director, before it even comes out seems a tad premature. This is not going to be Phantom Menace again.