Can we at least see the thing before we crap all over it? Honestly. It hasn't even come out yet!
Can we at least see the thing before we crap all over it? Honestly. It hasn't even come out yet!
There was an episode of CP that dealt with AIDS, when it was still kind of new. Ended with Captain Planet giving a "Get the facts" speech. I thought it was very dark.
Unggoy, Sangheili, Jiralhanae, Kig Yar, Mgalekgolo, For Grunts, Elites, Brutes, Jackels, and Hunters.
On talking dead, they had a statement by Walking Dead producer Scott Gimple saying that Glenn would be back in flashbacks and "pieces".
That sounds like it would be a huge anticlimax in the next episode. Like when Yoda said "Your father he is" in Return of the Jedi.
But Rick was nearly killed by the very gun Morgan let the Wolf take last week. That's pretty much a liability.
Looks like Chekov's gun went off pretty quickly.Glad they didn't stretch it too far.
I'm a hell of a lot of fun at parties. I like to organize the host's bookshelves by author.
True. And Abrams seems like the kind of guy you can say 'no' to. The problem with Lucas is that everyone was afraid to call him out on his ideas. "Why exactly is Jar Jar so important to this story?"
He did oppose the Empire. And he and the rest of the Jedi tried to arrest the Chancellor and put the Senate under Jedi control.Of course he's a bad guy.
Fun fact: the word 'Eowk' is never uttered in ROTJ. We found out their name from the side of the toy package. So there's your point.
That's like gambling that people are going to want oxygen tomorrow.
I was reading one of those 'Inside star wars' books that came out just before episode 3. It said that people on Naboo are chosen for jobs based on the purity of heart, and not necessarily their qualifications. There was a picture of Senator Binks right next to that statement.
If they're exactly 12 inches tall.
And when the tower is struck (by lightning) in 1955, a number 9 on a storefront, plus the twin flaming tire tracks make a 911 on the street.
Like you can't measure diabetes itself. So you measure blood sugar.
If you go by anything Obi-Wan says, you're going to be in for a bad time. "What I told you was true… from a certain point of view."
Vader stopped the laser blast with his hand because his hand was made of metal. That wasn't the Force. That was good engineering.
If he bites someone before he dies, it's not a problem. If he bites someone after he dies, it's time to destroy the brain.