
Tye Sheridan's too busy bein' Cyclops

They're both in it!

I would be more enthusiastic about the current Inhuman stories if it didn't feel like such an aggressive corporate push. At this point it feels like someone stuffing Big Macs into things I might normally be interested in.

I was a big fan of the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. And also the very short lived MTV one (even if it wasn't what one would honestly call "good"). And the Fox Kids Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons were good if I don't revisit them for the most part. Also I remember the 90s Iron Man cartoon as being good even though it

Things I need to have packed for my trip tomorrow:

It's so weird, the links posted have a bunch of words attached to them or something.

Coded language? Only thugs use that. You know, urban people.

Well, in this case "liking stuff" translates into "being okay with black people" so I think I'm okay with that change.

That's great and all but who directed the episode?

"You kept making all the stops?"
"Well, people kept ringing the bell!"

Woops, already tweeted it at everyone involved with Andy Barker, PI

What's the point of the internet if not for dudes to judge women they'll never meet and share their opinions no one wants to hear?

I have a crazy idea! So, what we do is have a critically acclaimed but low rated comedy cancelled by its network. But! It's saved by some internet company that wants to air another season. My idea for this new season is that instead of having a focus be on the ensemble, we focus on individual characters each episode.

It's Matthew Weiner, baby!

I'm impressed with/sorry about the way your dad got jobs. I'm a pretty honest dude so I'll say that's why I'm not hired for anything yet. Yeah.

Is interviewing and hiring someone really hard, or is it just that the people involved in the process are almost all universally terrible?