
There are no good actors on earth. The only good actor ever was Orson Welles, and my wife and I murdered him.

17! That is all.

The Flash is so effective (except only on other people's shows [for a very brief time])!

I bet you think this song is about you, don't you (yes it is I would like to make that very clear)?

Also they got rid of Spectrum because they want to not accidentally use one of their "diverse" characters.

I *finally* got around to seeing Age of Ultron. Blake Lively was okay. She didn't really use her powers too creatively. Harrison Ford seemed to be trying a little. Falcon was underused. Overall, I give it a C+- stars out of 10.

It turns out using the title of a journal article in my references is in fact plagiarism. What a country!

As someone equally Italian and not at all as Jewish as you, the following thread made me cry too.

My MP is thankfully too busy awaiting sentencing to be doing any of this voting nonsense.

Viper: ISIS Commando

Having played KOTOR on my phone (like some kind of neanderthal) recently I think the combat still holds up pretty well.

I would like to, but I would also like to afford literally anything else. So I think I'll just squat in a theatre like a normal person.

I remember when I went to see Boyhood last year at the Lightbox we were walking around and I saw a sign for a condo being built that just had the word "me" plastered all over it and there was a lion and it was like a perfect parody of an appeal to rich, power crazy narcissists and it was pretty funny but also scary

Will definitely check out Thunderworld. Will definitely not check out any James Patterson things.

As well as fellow X-mans Ian McKellen

My review of Convergence: Shazam #1: I'm really digging Doc Shaner's pencils and you can see the sweet ass character sheets here. Jordie Bellaire's colouring is great too. I thought the issue as a whole was really fun. I honestly don't know a ton about the Captain Marvel mythology but now I really want to dive into

double post, please ignore