A subdued guffaw
A subdued guffaw
what's wrong with moonwalking
Halloween costume ideas:
May I suggest https://www.youtube.com/wat… instead of brobible?
"Does that include twerking?" she says, instantly, hopelessly dating this poor show.
Sometimes I forget how crazy your country is.
Which shows just how much they wanted more of that sweet Burton-Batman cashola
Could this show have come out any closer to Batman 1989? Get your own theme music!
Like a fungus.
Ah, I see. Terrible.
Did they give a reason for why they're making it so hard/impossible to post image grrr links?
I prefer Resident Evil, but I agree
Flash fact:
God's not not dead :(
one time I went on world of warcraft and I stopped going to school then I punched my dad
"Sample dialogue spoken by a fucking pastor to a dying man, hit by a car: "Be happy, soon you'll know more about God than any of us here.""
Cala… cala…
I don't know. I think Chris Traeger may have been enough to retroactively make the pilot better, through sheer energy.