“As someone else who has been through it” you have a surprisingly lack of empathy for someone who is clearly not right in the head and in your own estimation needs to “get some fucking help.”
“As someone else who has been through it” you have a surprisingly lack of empathy for someone who is clearly not right in the head and in your own estimation needs to “get some fucking help.”
If you want characters with conspicuous, prominent hoods, there’s always Assassin’s Creed...
I’ll believe Andrew Luck is healthy when I see him play, and maybe not even then
Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.
When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?
It’s refreshing to see an encounter with ICE where it’s not the kid that’s shattered.
I’m pretty sure they’ll honour Dan Duquette, who, in 2001, brought in Manny Ramirez from the team in Cleveland.
That’s a lot of Ks for someone who pitches to contact
I’d make a Quantum Leap joke, but Derrick’s knees (knee? what’s even left??) couldn’t take it.
I don’t want to take this to a level where it gets too silly, but guaranteed contracts would be nice.
I briefly considered sticking up for Sosa’s induction into the HoF, but then I thought, “Fuck it...there’s already enough white guys in there.”
I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.
Kemp was so scarred by the experience he decided to never have another season where he could possibly be an all-star.
Stop saying, “full stop,” Adam Savage. A period ends a sentence. We get it.
Refreshing to see a story involving the Vikings and a clap that doesn’t take place on a boat.
Missed a great opportunity to teach your kid about hard work, earning your rewards, and knowing that you can’t always get everything you want. I know this because I have no kids, that makes me an expert on this.
only true intellectuals can finish a kotaku article
Yes, fingers crossed that a Boston sports team will finally catch a good break for once, and a deserving and humble fan base will be rewarded with a legitimate chance at a title.
If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.