Why write an article about the ending of a 40 hour game on release day? No one’s beaten it except reviewers. I’m trying to not read any spoilers but even coming to the comment section its like dang can’t read anything.
Why write an article about the ending of a 40 hour game on release day? No one’s beaten it except reviewers. I’m trying to not read any spoilers but even coming to the comment section its like dang can’t read anything.
How much did THAT cost? Man, kids are expensive.
I’ve never understood this “end-game” question. No game has end-game that isn’t just grinding. WoW is grinding. Diablo is grinding. It should go without saying that once you beat the bulk of a game, there is substantially less left to do.
Obviously game developer/designer crunch working conditions should be corrected, it’s just funny that it’s being reported like Rockstar is the only studio that does it or has done it and you’re saying they should wear this like a scarlet letter. I’ve lost count on the number of studios I’ve seen in docs talking about…
I like how every RDR post will have a link to the crunch article, really getting some mileage out of that one.
I understand bullshit whining and lame arguments against common sense in political articles because well, republicans have to say something. But to “both sides” the best football game ever is ridiculous. Please go fuck yourself
This is why I think Edwin Jackson should win every year!
Jesus christ, THANK YOU. What an abysmal take by OP
Thats the thin blue line flag not some blue lives matter flag.
Counterpoint: It is possible to have fun even as an adult.
As long as they don’t spiral out of control.
You’re right, they could definitely drop the file size if they just used textureless blocks instead. And get rid of all that audio too.
That’s the joke.
I wondered what happened to her after she got fired from The Blaze.
The feature, which was doomed from its wobbly, equivocating get-go, takes as its underlying premise that a D-list dog-whistler too stupid to even do it properly is more than some Laura Ingraham wannabe with a web show on a Fox News streaming service too technologically advanced for its senile target audience to…
So you came to a blog post on a topic you don’t care about to make a comment about a feature you think is useless? Hey I have an idea why don’t YOU shut up.
No. You are an annoying asshole for so many other reasons.
I’m going to use this opportunity to ironically change my name TO xx69poontappa69XX.
They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to…