
im just really glad he’s not doing anything to distract his team like doing a kneel during a song

Man, I haven’t seen passing like that since my NHL 96 power play unit of Lemieux, Jagr, Happy Gilmore, Ulf Samuelsson, and myself

my family read your comment and they are offended

I haven’t seen a tribute video feature that many dongs since Amber Rayne.

Seems particularly tasteless to highlight his familiarity with the long fly.

Still better than Papa John’s.

“Flags. I fucking hate flags. You fucking hate flags. Everyone fucking hates flags.”

Deadspin: The Dodgers had their shots.

You mean, it’s good to see that SE is trying to finish their game.

Look on the bright side. He may have his leg amputated, but it will save him from CTE.

No, it didn’t. This is a very Bill Simmons take and it’s incorrect. Lidge had more than 150 saves after that ‘05 home run allowed.

Well I asked Alexa if this would be an issue for me and she said it was fine.

What would you expect from a team that hates a Las?

Oh come on, nobody believes you’ve got friends.

This is some five-star Kinja

they already have a black WR

I only learned this year, my 38th, that you should make your s’mores with a Reese’s peanut butter cup for the chocolate layer.

The reddit post about it giving bright engrams was satire, not real....

the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “there’s actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”

All of this info is in the first paragraph.