
I loathe Barstool but PMT is not even close to being in its shitty, misogynistic 37-year-old-frat-guy orbit. PFT Commenter and Dan Katz are successful because they know how ridiculous these mouth-breathing morons with no perspective on sports (or life) can be. I think even the PMT guys dislike being associated with

It’s always nice to see someone uncut down their personal best.

Being treated like a bad guy for expressing displeasure in reaction to some really shitty conduct by others is totally unheard of among NFL players.

Good for Jaso. Though were I him, I’d try to stick around one more year to hit that 10-year service time marker... annual pension payouts go up to $100,000 at 10 yrs.

We need to get back to not caring about injured players as people because they’re not on a team we latched onto due to the happenstance of the region we were born in/bandwagon we arbitrarily hopped on, eschewing all others because we cannot vicariously feel elation and a sense of self-worth in their wins.

buddy why do you think i quit

no spicy nuggets, no peace

I’d watch what I say about Barkley. You know what he’s capable of...

The last time Oberlin went box-to-box we got 6 seasons of Girls. Careful what you wish for.

Before Hef, no one gave a damn about naked women. In fact, they were considered a nuisance at the best of times.

Blood, Eat, Love - How I Found My Outer Warrior and My Inner Lover, by Jasmyn Scoobydoo.

Meanwhile we can’t figure out how to eject “GET IN THA HOLE!” guy at golf tournaments.

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices

Look, I understand that you are upset about black people being murdered, but can we discuss it in a way that removes the black people and the murder? That would make me much more comfortable.

As an expert in the matter, I predict the NFL is going to punt on this.

That’s when, according to records filed in court, police said Adelman, 47, ran up to them and “took a fighting stance”

Try not believing in stereotypes?

I think it’s pretty clear that Durant is just more comfortable being the third person.

HeREEKiel SMELLSofIT - IT stands for “Intimidating (T)Clown”, because the clown lives in the sewers and eats children and quits on plays and lets down the whole great state of Texas by being a bad clown. That’s who you are, HeReekiel SmellsofIT, you’re a bad clown and I hope the discipline you get is Jason Garrett

I’d be careful, I hear Jung-ho Kang is sponsoring this giveaway.