Ok, but what about a BJ, Upton?
Ok, but what about a BJ, Upton?
Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.
Nope. As a soccer fan I must insist that the biggest problem with baseball is there aren’t any tie games. End the games at the ninth inning. In the playoffs, have a home run derby if it’s still tied after the bottom of the ninth. There: fixed it for you.
For the millionth fucking time, Adam Schefter was not and is not bound by HIPAA.
Then you looked at today’s calendar and said, “ah, phuket!”
Ludacris had sex with his girl in the Georgia Dome on the 50 yard line where the Dirty Birds kick for 3, which is easily more important than anything that has ever happened at Lambeau Field.
Apparently last year’s game was the most American; a mediocre white player was elected as MVP.
Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.
Because there should be no Sabres?
Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.
Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.
Bullshit. Joe Jackson is a no talent hack who only got to where he did by exploiting his children’s talents with no regard for their well being. He has no place being elected to the hall of fame.
This is proof that even at 44 years old, Jamal can still pound the pigskin.
pssst the dead ghost lets you get a sparrow
“Double bonus points for the fact that he’s still probably good.”
“See? I was trying to stop him from running—and you people called me a monster.”
May want to watch this for a bit of trivia on this game:
I have no interest in this but I'mma click on it and tell everyone.
Great story, man.