Christopher Lee12

Sad life for that F1, it will probably never get to stretch it’s legs. The next owner will probably keep it as is, protective wrapping and all, and maybe 5 miles a year. :(

It will look 10x better in a month when that LR air suspension fails, and the natural stancebro’d out Velars start hard parking in your local grocery store.

After watching the highlights I couldn’t help but notice how AP no longer has that savage break away speed 3-4 steps into his runs. Anyone else notice this? He had a great game, and it’s good to see him being used to his potential but this doesn’t look like the steam rolling AP of 2007.

It’s impressive actually, to be that consistently the worst in the NFL year after year. It’s an art form. They’ve had the top 5 pick in the NFL draft for each of the last 15 years, and they still have not managed to build a competitive team.

I like how every season Packers fans cry about injuries on their team, as if they are they only NFL team that sustains such injuries, and all their opponents are 100% healthy at every position. Enjoy the rest of the season winning maybe 2 games you bunch of crybabies!

Yet he will have achieved far more in 4-5 years than you will in your entire life. :)

Are you sure it was hours? Do you know the EXACT amount of time he weeped uncontrollably down to the seconds?

Someone hasn’t driven a new 911.

In a country where the NFL team in the capital of the Country is called the Redskins, I’m shocked this even made the news.

The way he attacked an old man, pushed his girl to get away, and ran away like a coward, he’s definitely a Trump guy.

This is truly moronic to pay that much interest! You can go buy a first gen pre-facelift R8 V8 anywhere between 60-75K for a car in decent shape.

And the rest of the country sure does enjoy DC failures. The curse lives on..

Todd Bowles is just a buff Lovie Smith. He’s good for 10 wins at most in a season, with a somewhat top 15ish defense, only to make the playoffs once every 5 years, one and done.

It looks like the first gen NSX with an LS. So basically what every ‘Murican has ever wanted.

C’mon, who do I look like? I only drink Kopi luwak freshly HAND squeezed by 10 different baristas, with hands the size of Donald Trump.  

Not sure if this is a serious question or if you have ever been on Jury duty.. Whenever an expert witness is brought in the material in question is explained in detail and “dumbed down” so that even people who struggled to attain a high school GED can understand and make a informed decision from the facts presented.

I spit out my coffee reading this, fancy Kristen isn’t fancy when loling. Well done.

Macans and Caymans? What do I look like?

It’s sad that anyone would look up to Ditka in the first place.