Christopher Becker

What's the downside? They get new swords and shields and march back out to melt in her dragonfire again?

How'd that skill serve him against a horde of Dothraki and a dragon? And what makes you think it would serve him any better the second time around?

Davos isn't going with them, though. No Bard. :(

So send them back to King's Landing without arms or armor. They'll return to the city heads hanging in shame, telling stories of the terrible power of her dragons, as well as stories of her mercy and compassion by letting them live.

Maybe, but that still runs the risk of getting spotted and interrogated (by very nosy guards, if you remember Arya's re-entry to Winterfell) because nobody recognizes this suddenly-appearing servant girl.

"Also, why is she following Littlefinger with her own face when she can disguise herself as any number of guards or servants?"

Yes, but if that bigger picture is compliance through fear, then Dany's not living up to her own hype.

"Do we judge Dany harshly for her actions here, or is Tyrion just woefully unprepared for the realities of this war?"

I don't think it's obvious that she does at all. Yara does nothing for her, yet earns a seat at the war table. Ellaria does nothing for her, gets a seat at the war table. Lady Tyrell does nothing for her, gets a seat at the wartable. The Dothraki elevate her, serve her, fight for her, win battles for her, and not a

Exactly. I keep seeing people complaining that the idea is stupid, or the thing itself is underpowered. I fully expect when the dragons show up at King's landing, there will be dozens-if-not-hundreds of these things. We'll see how underpowered they are then.

No, but Brienne was armored there. And I'd say Arya probably has enough control to poke someone with the tip of her sword without stabbing them clean through.

"Didn't the Faceless Men teach Arya to keep a low profile?"

"Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. failed to convert enthusiasm for the Avengers films into ratings; save for the stretches when it’s been engaged in call-and-response with the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s big-screen output, it’s also fallen short of creative triumph. Lack of quality isn’t endemic to ABC’s Marvel shows: Agent

Not quite the same situation. The Wildlings have seen the White Walkers, fought them at Hardhome along side Jon. They know what's at stake. The Dothraki don't.

Not suggesting he should side with Cersei. Just that maybe he's regretting putting his weight behind Dany instead of someone else.

"Question of the Week: So, who were you “rooting for” in that battle?"

If the media outlets *actually* invaded his privacy, then they should be sued. Perhaps the lesson is that media outlets shouldn't invade people's privacy.

Of course he's extremely fucked up. Practically everyone on the show is extremely fucked up. That's kinda the point. Lorna is fucked up, but she's still a human being. Suzanne is fucked up, but she's still a human being. Nicky's fucked up, but she's still a human being. One of the entire points of the show is that

I don't get the impression that the show is making him into a "well-meaning guy who just got confused about how consent works." It's making him into a human being, and human beings are generally more complicated than "Me man, me rape!"

On the whole, I enjoyed the season, but there's a lot that could've been changed. Piscatella's psycho episode was just ridiculous. I could absolutely buy him breaking into the prison to do a one-man takedown of the entire riot. I can buy him taking out influential prisoners one by one, and genuinely thinking he can