Christopher Becker

Agreed on the Piscatella front. It would've been a lot easier to swallow if Piscatella, feeling emasculated by his inability to do shit from outside, decided to launch a one-man prison liberation mission, and began neutralizing people to that end. I might - MIGHT - even buy that during the course of that mission,

They were shut down because they thought posting a sex tape without the subject's consent was responsible journalism, and they were willing to go to bat for that belief. This is not a case of the big mean money man squashing the free press; it's a case of one 'news' outlet violating the rights of a citizen, and paying

If some rich guy with a decade-old grudge's case didn't have merit, he would have lost. Gawker wasn't shut down because they couldn't afford to go to trial - Gawker was shut down because they lost, and couldn't afford the damages.

"Because what Nobody Speak should remind us is that all journalism deserves protection from tyrants—even when it’s about somebody’s dick."

Don't think it's meant to be funny. The characters do, but the viewers aren't supposed to.

This really needed to be a two-parter. Lots of half-baked ideas that could've been great, given more time. The Aida/Robbie teleportation bit felt like a half-assed stab at recreating the Thor 2 final fight for about 10 seconds before they just gave up on it, the Aida/Jemma diversion felt rushed, and I would love to

Aida mentioned something about Ivanov taking a sledgehammer to Mace's corpse. Not sure to what end - knowing Ivanov, it may have just been because he felt like it.

Really hoping Tripp does not come back. He never struck me as a particularly interesting character, and his delivery has always been a bit too elbow in the ribs "Eh, eh?" for my tastes. He never felt like a real character to me.

I'm probably thinking way too much into this, but I'm wondering if the courier passed something off in the trash on the floor, rather than in the bin. He made no obvious motions to the bag, but there was a good chunk of time where Jimmy couldn't see it - if the dude just dropped a piece of paper with some information,

"The BVS hate seems more knee-jerk, though, nailing the film more for being famous and mediocre than reaching the heights of true cinematic badness."

American Idiot for me. And I even still like a few songs on it, but it really just doesn't sound like Green Day at all. You can chart a pretty clear progression from Insomniac to Dookie to Nimrod, but American Idiot just sounds like a completely different band. Haven't really tuned into them since, but I have heard

Daisy's phone: "Wake up your boyfriend."

"It may have begun somewhat confusingly (Fitz and Jemma’s torturous explication to get us to the LMD sensor and camera was messy at best)"

"1. Will is still seeing visions of the Upside Down.
Whether this is PTSD or something supernatural, series creators the Duffer Brothers aren’t saying. The apparent death of his friend Eleven is still fucking with his head"

I've heard the "It's not my job to educate you" bit before, and to some extent, I agree. At the same time, though, if you have the opportunity to educate someone on your position, and you choose not to, you really don't have much room to then start complaining about how they don't get it.

Except he mentioned Hope before the LMD crisis ever began. It was brief, and without context, but he mentioned it to Ghost Rider shortly after his possession ended.

"Well, then basically shut the fuck up and let other people speak about what they’re going through."

"The sharpest moment may actually have been Senator Nadeer’s clever maneuvering of Daisy into a double bind"

Agreed on all counts. Some stellar individual moments drowning in a sea of insanity (not the good kind). Either let the series die here, or take it away from Moffat for Season 5.

This. He gets off on confession, but didn't really want to, y'know, go to jail. So he confesses to people who won't remember it five minutes later.