Christopher Hunt

I have never seen this many people smiling on a NYC train. Its unnerving.

@BlueBeard: Yeah, on average, most actors I've known (I know a fair amount, was and still am occasionally one myself) don't tend to care about the context of their character, and will make suggestions to the director that often times serve no other purpose than for the actor to "place their mark" on a production.

@BlueBeard: the battle between directors and actors over stuff like this is almost a cliche in on camera productions. Sometime's its valid, sometime's its not. Sean Connery had a lot of input on his role in The Last Crusade, and Lucas and Spielberg admit that the character was pretty two dimensional before he fleshed

@Elhigh: He had a number of careers when he moved to NYC before becoming an actor, the closest he came to wrenching professionally was when he worked as a motorcycle mechanic. Evidently James Dean was a customer. He definitely did a large amount of "tuning" of his own vehicles, but the heavy lifting was done by a

@syafiqjabar of Mars: I thought that was CG from one of the other films before I clicked on the link. I just got a little excited, not gonna lie.


This is why you practice safe sex.

Anybody else notice the guy who looks like Harvey Pekar continually popping up?

@FrankN.Stein: This is the old man who runs stop signs, doesn't signal and slams his brakes on at yellow lights. He just don't give a fuck.

@fury161: Man, life's all about taking chances. The only reason we're friends is because of an email I sent him randomly five years ago. Fear is the mind killer.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, are those pictures of a real prototype? Aside from the fact that this thing looks like an early 90s concept car, something just looks off in these.

Without a doubt.

@Die Fledermaus: Shit, when I'm 50 I want to look as good as he did in his 90s.

@fury161: He's just as bad ass in real life. The guy who shot this video and I were in a residency in October of last year, with six other comic book artists and Paul was our Master Artist. He's seriously one of the nicest, most talented, and intelligent people I've ever had the honor of calling a friend. Just proves

@cheeseycom: Just so long as we can keep "doing it" the old fashioned way...

@SKiTz: Now you know...and knowing is half the battle.

If wolves were common enough where I lived that my mom had to give me survival advice, I'm carrying a fuckin gun, or a torch or something. After watching Disney's White Fang as a kid, I ain't going out like that.

@FauxReal: Probably would have asked him if he had any Motorhead.